Sunday, August 23, 2020
Notably the Pineapple industry in Australia Samples for Students
Question: Examine about the Notably the Pineapple business in Australia. Answer: Strikingly, the pineapple business in Australia is absolutely local. Queensland creation of pineapples is defaced by high creation rates and moderate development rates.Also,labor lack is prevailing in this market.Noteworthy,the preparing plant industry has likewise declined by 78% after hardened rivalry from imported pineapple products.Predominantly,Queensland is the primary maker of pineapples in Australia.Further,84,721tonnes of Pineapple were delivered in 2010 with 5% of it being exported.Also,the pineapple industry in Australia was esteemed at $73.2 million dollars(Sanewski and Newett,2012) Creation state Queensland Absolute creation (tons) 84,721 Fare % 5 Industry Value $ 73.2m Source: S. Newett, D, Nambour. The pineapple advertise is the subject of the article. The rural business has the pineapple business. Dominatingly, Pineapples in Australia are developed in the territory of Queensland. Nonetheless, the pineapple showcase has been unfavorably influenced by unnecessary sun beams in the pineapple ranches prompting low volumes of harvestable Pineapples. Low creation of pineapples suggests that most ranchers will lose their harvests along these lines low income and low overall revenues. Subsequently, theres a solid probability to cost increment by ranchers. This is a result of scarcely any amounts of collected pineapples and the additional expense of buying and providing sunblock. Definitely influencing the gracefully and request of pineapples. Critical, utilization of the sunblock is an imaginative move by ranchers to shield their pineapple crops from the destructive and over the top beams of the sun .This will thusly build the expense of creation for the pineapple ranchers. Therefore, the interest and gracefully of pineapples will be influenced by increment in cost. Likewise, the sunblock application on the pineapples causes no quality decreases consequently its appropriateness and comfort to pineapple collectors, canneries and purchasers. Quality and safe pineapple harvests are probably going to expand the benefits of the ranchers because of conceivable cost increment. Evaluated Price versatility of chose Fruits. Mangoes - 0.84 Pineapples - 1.35 Source: FAO Corporate Document Repository. Accessible at Cost flexibility could be versatile, inelastic or unitary elastic.Predominantly,a esteem more noteworthy than one is viewed as flexible, a worth lesser than one inelastic and an equivalent estimation of one is considered unitary.Usually,an increment in cost of an item or administration prompts change in amount requested which in the long run influences the income. New harmony cost Thusly, the all out income will diminish because of the cost increment. The decently value flexibility of the pineapple business will cause less request subsequently less pineapples will be sold which means diminished income. At each cost climb of - 1.35 the interest for pineapples lessens subsequently scarcely any sold pineapples. Similarly, a value decline by a similar versatility will make the income go upwards. Quite, this is on the grounds that more pineapples will be sold because of low costs accordingly increment in absolute income. Outstandingly, natural debasement is a predominant negative externality in many markets of creation. Chopping down of timberlands and development to wetland regions in an offer to extend cultivating of pineapples by hopeful huge scope pineapple ranchers is a developing worry for most economies. Additionally, utilization of unreasonable or conceivably unsafe agrochemicals to support the creation volumes and nature of pineapples is an inescapable supporter of soil and general land corruption. Thusly, there will be ecological contamination which will influence air quality around the influenced zones (Martin, 2016) Furthermore, soil fruitfulness will be influenced and in the end lead to poor collect in this way less income for the government.However,large scale pineapple creation prompts expanded income for the government.Naturally,small pineapple yield will thus prompt low income edges and the other way around. Tax collection by the legislature on cultivating types of gear and instruments of creation raises income for the administration which will thusly bear to offer quality essential items and administrations to its residents at moderate costs (Martin, 2016) Transcendently, advancement has been created through innovative work of better cultivating practices and equipment.Moreover,innovation has made business open doors for researchers and researchers(Pettinger,2016) Positively, agribusiness advances enterprise, confidence, poise of nature through legitimate cultivating rehearses and keeps up great nature of air and the environment.However,poor cultivating methods lessen land esteem, loss of biodiversity, soil disintegration among other negative externalities on the environment.(BlogBio2,2016) Thusly, Organic agribusiness has been proposed to help forestall and decrease ecological contamination through use or natural compost and different practices rather than synthetic concoctions particularly pesticides and manures .Subdsequently,the administration of Australia ought to control cultivating rehearses through guideline and inconvenience of stiffer fines and requires on account of ecological corruption practices(Blogbio2,2016)Funding of Research and improvement activities are an approach to guarantee innovative progressions on great cultivating practices and gear . References Blogb2bio (n.d.) Agriculture Negative extrenalities.Retrieved from negative-externalities Food and Agriculture Organization. (n.d)Section 4: Market immersion and including. Recovered from Sanewski, G and Newett, S. (2012) Industry Situation Statement Pineapple. Agriculture Industry Network. Recovered from explanation pineapple Martin, A. (2016) The harsh side of Pineapple Production. Duke: Nicholas School of the Environment. Recovered From green/the-harsh side-of-pineapple-creation Pettinger, T. (2016).Problems of Agriculture-Market failure.Economics.Help.Retrieved from aspects/issues of-agribusiness advertise disappointment/ Lovely, J., Brett, C., Gee, D (2013) Policy Challenges and needs for disguising the externalities of current Agriculture. Recovered from JEPM-pdf.pdf
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Howard Gardners Theory of Multiple Intelligence Research Paper
Howard Gardners Theory of Multiple Intelligence - Research Paper Example Before talking about the hypothesis of Multiple Intelligences in detail, let us get a short presentation of the scholar, Howard Gardner. Howard Gardner was conceived in the United States in 1943. He got his significant instruction from Harvard University where he contemplated history, social relations, brain science, and human practices. His ideological convictions and discernments are impacted by some key figures identified with the fields of brain science and humanism. A portion of those conspicuous figures incorporate Nelson Goodman, Jean piaget, Erik Erikson, and Jerome Bruner. Right now, Garner is filling in as a teacher in Boston University School of Medicine and Harvard University.Seven Intelligences of the Theory Multiple insight hypothesis recommends that people ordinarily have an assortment of insights that are free of one another (Marchetti, n.d.). This hypothesis is progressively sympathetic and veridical when contrasted with elective perspectives on insight (Gardner, 200 6, p. 6). The seven insights remembered for the Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences model are semantic knowledge, sensible/numerical knowledge, melodic insight, real/sensation knowledge, visual/spatial knowledge, relational knowledge, and intrapersonal insight (Bogin, 2012). Let us examine every one of them in detail so as to build up a comprehension of key intelligences.This insight alludes to the utilization of language to achieve certain objectives. An individual can utilize language to compose something, get the hang of something, and to communicate his/her emotions to others.â â
Friday, August 21, 2020
Ulysses Simpson Grant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Ulysses Simpson Grant - Essay Example He actualized techniques that assembled the association armed force effectively finishing up the Civil War in 1865. Anyway the two terms of his administration were relatively less fruitful and practically the entirety of his endeavors coordinated towards remaking and building up social and financial dependability in the states fizzled. The endeavors to blend the general public at last bombed prompting an expanding separate in the middle of the whites and blacks. During the previous period of the common war Grant worked in the province of Illinois where he summoned in volunteers in the Galena regiment and later took it to the state capital, Springfield. s In the capital he kept assembling more people in the military and subsequently raising numerous regiments. Observing this demonstrations of award, and dazzled with his presentation, he was arrangement as a colonel of the Illinois volunteer regiment. He instilled military control in the recently selected warriors of the regiment. Award, effectively as a pioneer, drove these regiments against professional Confederate guerrillas in Missouri and made starting progress. Observing his extraordinary exhibition, and by virtue of the authority abilities that he showed, he was raised as brigadier general. Award was effective in winning a portion of the prior triumphs for the Union powers with the catch of Fort Donelson, on the Cumberland River and Fort Henry on the Tennessee River. The unrestricted acquiescence of confederate Brigadier General Simon B. Buckner, alongside his 14,000 men made Grant a national figure practically for the time being, and he was nicknamed Unequivocal Surrender. With this triumph, he picked up the advancement to significant general of volunteers. Be that as it may, with the spiritless and wasteful presentation at the Battle of Shiloh in Tennessee in April 1862, Grant earned the annoyance of the men in north. Later in 1862, Lincoln advanced Grant as the leader of every single Union power in western Tennessee and northern Mississippi. Other than driving his own Army of the Tennessee, Grant presently had at its order, the Army of the Ohio. Award worked out methodologies for assault on Vicksburg in Mississippi, in the harvest time of 1862. That was one of the Confederate fortifications on the Mississippi River. Having flopped in a few endeavors throughout the winter, Grant contrived another procedure of assault. In April 1863, walking his military towards south along the west side of the stream, he took position on a point well beneath the vigorously safeguarded city. There, with the guide of the Union stream armada, he crossed the waterway and started a quick walk eastbound. On May 12, 1862 he caught Jackson, Mississippi, the capital of the state, legitimately east of Vicksburg. At that point he turned west toward Vicksburg. Afterward, in the mid of May at Champion's Hill and Big Black River, Grant crushed General John C. Pemberton, authority of the Confederate powers guarding Vicksburg, and drove him to arranged situations inside the city. Award's attack on the primary Confederate works at Vicksburg fizzled, be that as it may, and he depended on an attack or seclusion of the city from provisions or fortifications to constrain it to give up. The attack endured a month and a half. On July 4, 1863, suppressed ashore and forestalled by Union powers from getting away over the waterway, Pemberton gave up his 30,000 men to Grant. With compelling war systems and capable organization, he had the option to change over this was in to triumph, one of his
Feminism in Sor Juana Essay -- Sor Juana Estela Portillo Trambley Essa
Woman's rights in Sor Juana In Estela Portillo Trambley’s play Sor Juana the primary character Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz was viewed as perhaps the soonest women's activist. Sor Juana’s everlasting battles to read and unwavering longing for information and shrewdness, from whatever source it might be, bolster this quality. As I would like to think nonetheless, there are additionally noteworthy components of the play that propose that Sor Juana would not be viewed as a genuine women's activist. Of these reasons, there are three significant ones that I will dissect. The main explanation is that Sor Juana surrendered her battle for the obtaining of information from books and agreed to perusing from strictly acknowledged composition, basically surrendering what she had been initially battling for and relinquishing her past beliefs. Also, Sor Juana just battled for herself and what she needed to seek after. She didn't battle for other ladies or in other political, monetary, or social circles. At long la st, the play neglects to distinguish how Sor Juana set any sort of point of reference or model by achieving whatever ladies before her had never practiced. In the rest of this paper I will break down how Trambley’s portrayal of Sor Juana is that of a lady concerned uniquely with her own wants and furthermore a lady that surrendered her battle for individual rights that she had once been so propelled to achieve before starting any trend for ladies as a gathering. One significant explanation that I don't consider Sor Juana to be the â€Å"Americas’ First Feminist†is that she surrendered her battle for what she initially needed so gravely. Before all else, Sor Juana experienced so a lot and endeavored to learn and peruse and accomplish information. She appeared to be so solid, looking past being giggled at and not paid attention to and proceeding with her journey to consider. She started to yield and her unique objectives began to sneak away. â€Å"†¦ and the Church will let me learn.†(151). This statement delineates how Sor Juana joined the cloister to have the option to learn in light of the fact that she was not permitted to learn something else. Sor Juana made due with life in a religious community. She was then compelled to carry on with a stricter way of life and was restricted in her understanding materials. It appears she conformed to little battle. At that point she felt regretful for having utilized God in any case to assist her with accomplishing her objective. This prompted the relinquishment of her unique reason by and large. Sor Juana says, â€Å"My entire life was s... ...hown to help the possibility that Sor Juana achieved whatever ladies before her didn't achieve. Sor Juana says herself, â€Å"I am just a lady unequipped for evolving worlds.†(184). This is additionally a principle reason that Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, as she was spoken to in Trambley’s play, isn't really the â€Å"Americas’ First Feminist.†All in all, the reasons I have talked about above are adequate proof to show that Sor Juana, as she is spoken to in Trambley’s play isn't genuinely the â€Å"Americas’ First Feminist.†Assertive and insightful she was, yet resolved to roll out any improvement to the imbalance experienced by ladies by being something besides a point of reference she was most certainly not. Likewise keeping her from being a genuine women's activist is the way that she was ineffective in achieving something that no lady had done previously. Sor Juana relinquished her battle to follow her fantasies about seeking after something that no lady had ever achieved earlier. She was likewise indifferent with the situation of other ladies, just her own wants to seek after her fantasies. At last, turning out to be simply one more loyal lady following the limitations of society is the thing that forestalls Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz from being a genuine women's activist.
Thursday, July 9, 2020
ACT Math Pre-Algebra Study Guide
Pre-algebra and arithmetic are the fundamental mathematics tested on the ACT Math test. Out of 60 questions, about 10 of them will test pre-algebra concepts. You’ll need to understand the basics of fractions, decimals, roots, integers, ratios, proportions, and basic number properties to solve these questions. You’ll also need to solve simple algebraic expressions and equations. An algebraic expression is a mathematical statement which often uses constants and variables. For example: 5y + 10. An algebraic equation contains an equals sign, such as 5y + 10 = 100. The math actually involved in pre-algebra questions will be fairly simple: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Even though this stuff may seem basic, keep in mind not to confuse simple with easy. The ACT will test your ability to figure out multi-step problems, weed through wordy paragraphs, and determine how to quickly solve questions without making silly errors. What well do in this post is give you a quick overview of topics youll encounter, put them to the test with practice problems, then wrap up with a study plan to perfect those skills! ACT Math Pre-Algebra Topics Number Problems These consist of general word problems that dont really test you on a particular math skill. The hard part is not doing the actual math but figuring out what to do. Here youll find it very useful first figure out what the question is asking for, and then going back and reading the paragraph carefully. Multiples, Factors, and Primes This is where you may need to do some brushing up on your definitions in order to dust off the rust. Knowing how to find the LCM, GCF, and how to do prime factorization are important skills in your toolkit. Percents, Fractions, and Decimals Make sure you remember how to do basic math operations with percents, fractions, and decimals. Yes, you have a calculator, but its going to do you no good if you input the wrong numbers or put the decimal at the wrong spot. Be very diligent about knowing how to figure out percentages, because thats one big area that the ACT test makers can try to trick you on. Proportions and Ratios They are pretty much like fractions, except that proportions and ratios tell you two or more parts of a whole (whereas a fraction only tells you one part out of a whole). The key is knowing how to convert ratios into fractions and vice-versa. Absolute Value The absolute value of a number is its magnitude, regardless of sign. Exponents and Roots An exponent is a number that is to be multiplied by itself a certain number of times. Roots are the opposite of exponents. Taking a root of an exponent returns that number to its original value. Mean, Median, and Mode These are all ways of describing a set of numbers. The mean and median find the â€Å"middle†of a set, while the mode tells you the number that occurs most often. Probability Probability questions can get complicated very quickly, but fortunately, the ACT doesnt go very deep when it comes to this topic. You just need to know how to express probability as a fraction, decimal, or a percent. Pre-Algebra ACT Math Practice Problems Ready to see those concepts in action? Here’s an example of a pre-algebra word problem: A polling firm is making a circle graph to illustrate the results of their recent poll of voters about the upcoming mayoral election. 25% of voters support Kendra Willard; 20% support Steve Jacobson; 15% support Amber Tarkington; and 10% support Harry Fink. The remaining voters either expressed no preference or supported other candidates. These voters will be grouped together into the category â€Å"Other Response.†What will be the degree measure of the Other Response sector? 216 120 108 54 30 Though this might seem intimidating because it’s a word problem, notice how easy that math involved is! All we have to do is add up the percentages for the supporters of the various named candidates: 25% + 20% + 15% + 10% = 70%. This means that the Other Responses sector must represent the remaining 30%. Heres the tricky part: since the question is looking for the degree measure of this portion, 30% of 360 degrees in a circle is 108 degrees. The correct answer is choice three, 108. Here’s a slightly more challenging question: A and B are reciprocals (when multiplied together their product is 1). If A -1, then B must be which of the following? B 1 0 B 0 B 1 0 B -1 0 B -1 The easiest way to solve this is to plug in numbers. Since A -1, lets choose numbers to look for a pattern: Lets try A = -1, since that is the upper limit. -1 x B = 1 B = -1 Lets try A = -2 -2 x B = 1 B = -1/2 Now try A = -3 -3 x B = 1 B = -1/3 We can see a pattern emerging: as A decreases in value, B increases slightly and slowly approaches (but will never reach) 0. Therefore B must be between 0 and -1answer choice four. ACT Math Pre-Algebra Study Plan Depending on how comfortable you are with math, you may not need to review the actual pre-algebra skills. The important thing is to be able to read through a problem and know what the ACT is testing you on. Once you start to recognize the patterns in the wording of the questions, it becomes much easier to know what action to take and what information to discard. Start out by going through ACT practice problems and think about each step as you go. Circle key words, phrases, and cross out info you dont need. After you get comfortable with that, gradually work up to speed. Remember to time yourself to make sure you are averaging under one minute per problem.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Technology Assessment Essay - 550 Words
Technology Assessment (Essay Sample) Content: Technology Assessment in the Healthcare IndustryStudents NameCollege Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc379869157" Technology Assessment in the Healthcare Industry PAGEREF _Toc379869157 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc379869158" Information Technology (IT) in the healthcare PAGEREF _Toc379869158 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc379869159" Computerized Provider Order Entry PAGEREF _Toc379869159 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc379869160" Quality and Health Information Technology PAGEREF _Toc379869160 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc379869161" Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc379869161 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc379869162" References PAGEREF _Toc379869162 \h 8 Technology Assessment in the Healthcare IndustryThe trend of technological innovation and development is increasingly becoming part and parcel of human life. Ideally, technological advancements have changed many aspects of human growth and development in most parts of the world (Duplag a, 2006). Despite significant trend of improved healthcare services due to technological innovations, the industry still face myriad of challenges in fully adopting technology. This is owed to the high cost and availability of quality healthcare in the society. Therefore, healthcare industry needs to fully implement technological innovations through involvement of all stakeholders. The stakeholders include patients, health providers, claim processors, clinical staff, underwriters, auditors, policy makers, insurance agents among others (Fasano, 2013). This would enhance the provision of effective, efficient and quality healthcare services in the society. Consequently, medical practitioners and stakeholders have acknowledged several technological innovations in the healthcare industry. These include medical devices systems, pharmaceuticals, surgical procedures, medical waste management and disposal (Fasano, 2013). However, the most significant technology in the healthcare industry i s the use of information communication technology. Information Technology (IT) in the healthcareIT is the most significant technological advancement required in the healthcare industry. Generally, information technology enables the collection, storage, retrieval, and transfer of healthcare services by the use of electronic devices (Jones, 2011). It is argued that full implementation IT will improve quality, efficiency and safety of healthcare services delivered in the society. However, the choice of Information Technology to be purchased by a medical facility will depend on administrative, clinical and infrastructural factors. For example; first, healthcare administrators are able to make hospital billings for their respective clients. This helps in maintaining clear financial records of the client for later use by administrators and financial auditors. Hence, there is improved financial transparency and accountability of the healthcare facility. In addition, administrators use IT i n maintaining general ledgers, scheduling, patient registration and electronic materials. Secondly, IT is used in maintaining electronic health records (EHRs) of the patients (Jones, 2011). Clinicians are able to keep track records of entry, healthcare data. EHRs have been used in hospitals to track patients who sneak from the hospitals. There are cases when patients have left healthcare facility without following the right procedure. This could be attributed to failure to clear hospital bills, psychological restlessness caused by health condition and/or hospital environment. Computerized Provider Order EntryComputerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) has often been utilized by clinicians and administrators in providing orderly medical services process. Patients are able to follow strict rules and procedures in seeking laboratory, radiology, transfer, discharge or referral services (Fasano, 2013). Fourth, the use computerized of clinical decision support system (CDSS). This system offe rs physicians and nurses with up-to-date diagnostic and treatment recommendations of various diseases. Physicians, researchers, stakeholders and World health organization have developed installable medical symptoms, diagnostic, possible treatment and control measures of various diseases. Prior to this technology, there were many cases of misdiagnosis and treatment of diseases made by physicians and other medical practitioners (Fasano, 2013). The victim patients developed drug complications such as resistance/allergies, mutations or sometimes died. Fifth, information technology can be used in picture archiving and communication system (PACS). Diagnostic and radiological images are captured and integrated in a computerized software system. It is used in the dissemination of x-ray services, repository data among others. Sixth, IT can be used in healthcare to facilitate bar coding foe example optical scanner is used to capture encoded medical information needed by opticians. Seventh, th e automated dispensing machine (ADM) is used in the distribution of medication doses. This involves the use of catheter-like machines in administering patients with medication dose as prescribed and captured in the system. It enhances time management in the healthcare facility. Eight, healthcare organizations may use electronic material management (EMM) to track and manage supply of pharmaceuticals, resource planning among others. Moreover, medical organizations are able to enhance security and privacy safeguards through the messaging system. Quality and Health Information TechnologyDespite the key the important medical services offered by the use of IT in the health sector, further research should be done to medical enhance quality. This is because poor medical link between healthcare information Technology and implementation strategies (Fasano, 2013). The inability to carry frequent and continuous research hinders healthcare industry from getting up-to-date IT guidelines and clini cal information. For examples, institute of medical research established that the usage of IT is varied in relation to healthcare setting. Hence, pharmacies and home based healthcare providers have endorsed mobile phone usage in communicating with their clients. There are also numerous online social media network that provide healthcare consultant services to the public. However, these strategies should be used controllably to enhance privacy. This is because of the controversies caused by accessing another patients medical information (Jones, 2011). Apart from privacy, many factors have inhibited the adoption of improved technology in the healthcare industry. The investment cost of IT remains a major challenge in the implementation of efficient healthcare. Stakeholders have prioritized on healthcare information technologies which can return installation cost without delay. This selective adoption of IT cause financial loses not only to healthcare provider but also to economic statu s of the country.However, various governments offer various financial interventions to healthcare service providers and encourage private-public partnership to enhance efficient healthcare provision. In addition, private-public partnership ensures the sustainability in the provision of improved healthcare services (Jones, 2011). Ideally, the cost of purchasing healthcare technology is much less compared to sustainably implementation. This is because new medical applications should be efficiently tested and integrated in the existing ones. Poor information technology providers are also cited to be an impediment in the adoption of modern healthcare services. Information technological providers face challenges in offering effective and satisfactory products and services to buyers. Policy makers have significantly formulated rules and regulations that facilitate the delivery of quality IT products and services to healthcare providers. Governments recommend the use of the procureme...
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Paper - 1208 Words
Kenya Bradley Kenya Bradley Before you begin, save this document to your computer. You will need to submit your answers in the area indicated below. | The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a national law that protects a patient’s rights to privacy. As a Medical Administrative Assistant, it is important for you to understand and uphold this law to protect your patients’ health information. In this assignment, you will practice applying HIPAA regulations. Click here to download the Personal Health Record (PHR) to answer the first three questions. | Tips for answering questions: * Read the question more than twice, if necessary, to make sure you understand what you are asked to do. * Find the key†¦show more content†¦Moodey is not to discuss the patients lab results at all with anyone other than the patient because assistant are there to greet and make patient trust them to better help them with their needs. John should have been told that they contact him on his cell phone when the results are in but he needs to give personal information to see them on line. When the results come in Sally does not have to contact the patient because it is the patient job to make a appointment to rebook. | Question 2: Holly Valez called Dr. Moodey’s office on Monday morning to see when the paper work to release John to go back to work would be completed. Can Sally tell Holly when the forms will be ready to pick up? Explain briefly why or why not. | 10 points | Directions to complete Question 2: * Use short responses, in complete sentences with proper grammar and spelling * Length of response should be between 2 to 3 sentences per question. | Answer:Holly Valez called Dr. Moodey’s office Monday for the results for John but from my understanding that is not allowed being that confidentiality of personal information is not to be given out. How is not to tell anyone but the patient when the forms will be in. Answering the question no Holly is not allowed to give John information out not even the date without consent. | (See next page for part 3) Question 3: John was involved in an automobile accident and was taken to the Emergency Department by ambulanceShow MoreRelated Paper761 Words  | 4 Pages In the 1790s members of the industry in both Paris and London were working on inventions to try to mechanise paper-making. In England John Dickenson produced the cylinder machine that was operational by 1809. Although useful for smaller enterprises, this lacked the large scale potential of the machine resulting from the invention of Nicholas-Louis Robert in Paris, which had a more complicated incubation period. The last of the early improvements to this machine were financed by the Fourdrinier brothersRead MoreReflection Paper836 Words  | 4 Pagesand integrating quotes. 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There are three categories of paper that can be used as feedstocks for making recycled paper: mill broke, pre-consumer waste, and post-consumer waste.[1] Mill broke is paper trimmings and other paper scrap from the manufacture of paper, and is recycled internally in a paper mill. Pre-consumer waste is material which left the paper mill but was discarded before it was ready for consumer use. Post-consumer wasteRead MoreCarabao Grass Paper17210 Words  | 69 PagesINTRODUCTION History Paper is believed to have originated in China sometime around A.D. 105. Its invention is credited to a Chinese artisan by the name of Tsai-Lun. Tsai Lun created the first type of paper by mixing macerated cellulose fiber with water. His method was simple. He beat rags to a pulp and diluted this with lots of water. He then drained the resultant mixture through a form of a sieve. The fibers matted together and, when it dried, formed what we know now as paper. This papermaking process
Personal Essay Topics and Prompts
A personal essay is an essay about your life, thoughts, or experiences. This type of essay will give readers a glimpse into your most intimate life experiences and life lessons. There are many reasons you may need to write a personal essay, from a simple class assignment to a college application requirement. You can use the list below for inspiration. Consider each statement a starting point, and write about a memorable moment that the prompt brings to mind. Your bravest momentHow you met your best friendWhat makes your mom or dad specialHow you overcame a fearWhy you will succeedWhy you made a difficult choiceA special placeA place you try to avoidWhen a friend let you downAn event that changed your lifeA special encounter with an animalA time when you felt out of placeAn odd experience that didnt make sense at the timeWords of wisdom that hit home and changed your way of thinkingA person that you do not likeA time when you disappointed someoneYour fondest memoryA time when you saw your parent cryThe moment when you knew you were grown upYour earliest memory of holiday celebrations in your homeTimes when you should have made a better choiceA time when you dodged a dangerous situationA person you will think about at the end of your lifeYour favorite time periodA failure youve experiencedA disappointment youve experiencedA surprising turn of eventsWhat you would do with powerWhat superpower you would chooseIf you could switch lives with s omeoneHow money matters in your lifeYour biggest lossA time when you felt you did the wrong thingA proud moment when you did the right thingAn experience that youve never shared with another personA special place that you shared with a childhood friendA first encounter with a strangerYour first handshakeWhere you go to hideIf you had a do-overA book that changed your lifeWords that stungWhen you had the desire to runWhen you had the urge to crawl into a holeWords that prompted hopeWhen a child taught you a lessonYour proudest momentIf your dog could talkYour favorite time with familyIf you could live in another countryIf you could invent somethingThe world a hundred years from nowIf you had lived a hundred years earlierThe animal youd like to beOne thing youd change at your schoolThe greatest movie momentThe type of teacher you would beIf you could be a buildingA statue youd like to seeIf you could live anywhereThe greatest discoveryIf you could change one thing about yourselfAn ani mal that could be in chargeSomething you can do that robots could never doYou most unfortunate dayYour secret talentYour secret loveThe most beautiful thing youve ever seenThe ugliest thing youve seenSomething youve witnessedAn accident that changed everythingA wrong choiceA right choiceIf you were a foodHow youd spend a million dollarsIf you could start a charityThe meaning of colorA close callYour favorite giftA chore youd do away withA secret placeSomething you cant resistA hard lessonA visitor youll never forgetAn unexplained eventYour longest minuteAn awkward social momentAn experience with deathWhy youll never tell a lieIf your mom knew shed kill youA kiss that meant a lotWhen you needed a hugThe hardest news youve had to deliverA special morning
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Voices From The Heartland By Julie Carson Essay - 1224 Words
Voices from the Heartland is an anthology of essays that relates the stories of Oklahoma women. The authors share their experiences about their lives in Oklahoma: childhood experiences, relationships with neighbors, devastating times, life-changing events. The essays are organized under a set of themes, not limiting the contributors to a specific topic. Some of the pieces are light-hearted, such as Julie Carson’s essay about her left-handedness, while others deal with the struggles the authors have gone through because of their gender. While the gender issues accentuated in the book are conveyed by Oklahoma women, they are relevant to women everywhere, in America, other industrialized nations, as well as developing countries. Women are often confined to a set of ideals and expectations because of one simple fact: they are women. Many of the women who contributed to this book have faced gender stereotyping and discrimination. Instead of allowing traditional social norms to confine them to an unwanted lifestyle, they challenged these conventional ideals, risking failure and facing condemnation from strangers as well as people close to them. People often associate feminism with negativity and pessimism. In â€Å"Feminism is a Dirty Word,†Cindy Simon Rosenthal talks about how people refuse to define themselves as a â€Å"feminist.†However, the movement does not advocate for women’s special privileges. Feminism celebrates social equality and supports the utilization of all talents.
Ncaa Monopoly - 2137 Words
Edgar Galvan NCAA as a Monopoly After over a century of existence, the National Collegiate Athletic Association stands today as a multi-million dollar organization, one of the largest and most successful organizations in the nation. The NCAA is in charge of overlooking every college athletic competition in the United States. Every year millions of fans watch NCAA organized games and follow the top prospects of every sport. However, all schools and players involved with the NCAA are obligated to follow a strict set of rules to be eligible to compete at the college level. The NCAA holds college athletes specifically to a very strict set of rules. Under the NCAA all athletes are considered amateurs. The term amateur is used to describe a†¦show more content†¦Although students enjoy playing their own specific sports, they are doing it with millions of people following their path and they are generating millions of dollars to the NCAA, they just are not allowed to have any of it. Therefore, they can not be considered amateurs. In fact, these students really are not even in college to get an education. In her blog Confessions of a Whistleblower, Mary Willingham an academic advisor from the University of North Carolina, revealed that the athletes in the most successful college teams are given paper classes to replace real classes. These paper classes are classes that do not require students to attend class. Their only assignment is to turn in a paper at the end of a semester and are 100 percent of the time graded A or B. A method used to keep stud ents eligible. Also, according to Ross Finkel and Martin Trevor in their documentary Schooled: The Price of College Sports, players have one year contracts with the schools based only on athletics. This means that even if a student-athlete had straight A’s, they could lose their scholarship if they were no longer competing on the field. Their education would be over. Finally, there is transfer rules that restrict athletes from transferring from one four year University to another and play their first year(â€Å"Division 1 Initial- Eligibility ToolKit.†). This rule makes it hard for athletes to transfer fromShow MoreRelatedAntitrust Practices and Market Power Essay835 Words  | 4 PagesAct†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.page 2-3 Monopolies Bad for Society†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....... page 3-4 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.......... page 4 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...... page 5 Antitrust Practices and Market Power Introduction This paper will discuss the antitrust law, specifically the Sherman Act of 1870. A claim was filed against the NCAA by the Governor of Pennsylvania for reasons that violate this act. It will also discuss monopolies and oligopolies, given an exampleRead MoreHow A Cartel Is A Competitive Market1719 Words  | 7 Pagessellers or buyers of a cartel agree to fix selling prices, purchase price or reduce production using a variety of tactics so that competing on price is avoided. Because most of these firms are monopolies, they tend to have considerable amounts of market power, thus making them want to behave like monopolies. With its lack of power, a cartel acts as a counter-veil to an imperfectly competitive market where fewer sellers have the ability to base their products on decision making and supply and demandRead MoreReview Of The U Conn 987 Words  | 4 Pagesseems to be making off of them. US News writes, â€Å"The NCAA basketball tournaments, or March Madness, have become a huge business. As Forbes Chris Smith wrote, CBS and Turner Broadcasting make more than $1 billion off the games, thanks in part to a $700,000 ad rate for a 30-second spot during the Final Four. Athletic conferences receive millions of dollars in payouts from the NCAA when their teams advance deep into the tournament. The NCAA, as a whole, makes $6 billion annually.†Now that payoutRead MoreAmerican Intercollegiate Sporting Has Come A Long Way Since The New York Times1615 Words  | 7 Pagessay ‘Michigan’ and they understand those striped helmets running under the banner.†College sports have become larger than a genuine competition between institutions. It has become a monopoly and oligopoly, in the same level as Bell Telephone (also known as ATT), like Standard Oil a century ago, like Luxottica, NCAA has become a an equally powered cartel in today s society. As athletes celebrate a title win, who is really the winner in this situation. Marc Edelman argues, that across the countryRead MoreShould Student Athletes Be Paid?1270 Words  | 6 PagesAssociation (NCAA), it also contributes to the income of colleges and the NCAA. Without student athletes, these colleges and the NCAA would not reap the benefits of college athletics, such as: increased awareness of colleges, higher application rates, and of course the revenue brought in from game and event tickets, apparel, and contracts for licensing and television rights. Since the student athletes, who devote a great deal of time to their sport, are the cog in the machine that is the NCAA and collegeRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?3174 Words  | 13 PagesGene Goldston Brian Hance English 12 01/28/15 Should College Athletes Be Paid? College sports are a highly paid business. It is produced sold just like all other commercial products. The NCAA generated over $70 million in the basketball tournaments. Schools who made it to the finale instantly earned over $1.3 million. $275 thousand was given to those who were invited to the tournament. Football is just the same. The (1988-89) seasons produces $53 million and $66 million and was split between allRead More The Tragedy of Commercialism in College Sports Essay4106 Words  | 17 Pageslocations on March 12 (Hiestand). For fans of the sport ESPN has become a college hoops haven. CBS may garner the most attention for its $6 billion 11-year contract, which gives the network exclusive broadcasting rights for the season-ending mens NCAA tournament, but it is ESPN, which is responsible for the games dramatic rise in popularity. Before ESPN launched in September of 1979, college basketball games on TV were hard to find and national broadcasts of the sport were unheard of. BackRead MoreThe Federal League Of Baseball1376 Words  | 6 Pagesin a company. Baltimore was abandoned by the owners, and with the antitrust law settled as part of the agreement, they decide to have their own antitrust law against the leagues and the Federal League, claiming that they had talked about forming a monopoly on baseball, by destroying the Federal League. Baltimore won the case. Having 80,000.00 of damages, then it tripled to $240,000.00 under the Clayton Act. The Court of Appeals reversed the verdict saying that baseball was not a subject to the ShermanRead MoreCollege Athletes Should Not Be Paid1513 Words  | 7 Pages College institutions under the NCAA should be required to pay their athletes more than just a scholarship. College athletes are being manipulated every day. Student athletes are working day in and day o ut to meet academic standards and to keep their level of play competitive. These athletes need to be rewarded and credited for their achievements. Not only are these athletes not being compensated for, but they are also living with no money because they aren t allowed to hold a job that pays anRead MoreThe Debate Over The Adequacy Of Restrictions On Commercial Speech And Free Market Competition1605 Words  | 7 Pagesare the cornerstone in determining the conditions that enable individuals to capture the potential benefits of trade and exchange. In the instance of commercial free speech and competition, the decisions in the cases of the Virginia State Board, the NCAA, and Microsoft Corporation, personify how the corresponding laws have proven to be beneficial to both society and business. The Supreme Court Case of Virginia State Board of Pharmacy v. Virginia Citizens Consumer Council was an important case in
Customer Behavior in Hotel Industry
Question: Discuss about theCustomer Behavior in Hotel Industry. Answer: Literature Review On the literature review the report has focused on three background on the study; these are historical background, theoretical and the methodological. These concepts have been clearly explained comprehensively as follows. Historical Background Hospitality is a distinctive sector, which offers a variety of the considerable products in addition to the insubstantial services similar to accommodation, meals as well as the drink. The customer behaviour is primarily complex as well as essential towards the hotel sector(Eid, 2012). Distinctly, the hotel industry is pointed out on the customer encounters as well as these experiences to a great degree impact on their sensations, beliefs, as well as purchasing objective. Consequently, this results in a ensuing behaviour. The encounter in the hospitality industry usually is diversified as well as vast. It is will probably be distinctive from one consumer to another for example leisure client behavior differs from that of organization. Hotel tend to develop as well as monitor on the guests comprehending to be able to render a constructive pertinent relationship with the customers as prospective guests spill leading consideration on the satisfaction as well as the familiarity whenever selecting the hotel(Guerrier, 2009) . As outlined by Zeithamal on his research, the client behaviour can initiate the visitor allegiance. Nevertheless, Reid and Botanic (2009), claims that the client possibly not will certainly revisit once again because of the adjustable of the client expectations although these are pleased with the high hotel experience quality delivered. The re-purchased form of the hotel industry in certain extent mainly affects the customer expectations (Yi Gong, 2013). Consequently, hotel consumers have valid reasons along with the right to choose the hotel instead of the hotel contenders, visit again regularly if the hotelier comprehend on the customer behavior, and offer continuous satisfaction. Theoretical Background Since 1980s, a coherent theoretical framework has surfaced to underpinning the consumer study. Even though you will discover, still several sub-theories as well as areas of the minor disagreement the picture could be widely be summarized given below. The consumers are believed to view the service in the hotel concerning a couple of the attributes example the features, which make it suitable, ascribing various levels of important to every one of the attribute. As reported by Hawking et al. (2010) defines the consumer behaviour as the research of the businesses, persons, or even groups. In further, the process they employ to dispose, secure, utilize as well as choose of the service to gratify on the needs along with implications on the consumers as well matters. The customer behavior is complex in the hotel industry because of some nature of the hospitality. The client satisfaction might be broken by advance payment approach of the hospitality business on account of the concept of expe ctation gap in their psychological worth(Kumar, 2006). Entirely, consumer allegiance could possibly be vitally affected by the customer satisfaction but this interrelation is not typified in the hospitality sector. Methodological Background The results of the research conducted the quantitative and the qualitative analysis within the defined methodology and the overall finding of the project are presented in the report. On this report, there was a critical analysis that was done in order to get data in regards to the consumer behavior. The method that was used to get data from this report was through interview, questionnaire and through the focus group( Perdue, Immermans Uysal, 2004). The researcher on this study made sure that all the consumer behavior aspects where studied when the data collection was done. On the research the customers are studied in order to determine on how they behave in the hotels and on their satisfaction how influences their decision. The customer satisfaction is crucial in any business success and on this report aims as establishing how the consumer behavior are influenced in the hotel industry. References Eid, R. (2012). Successful Customer Relationship Management Programs and Technologies. Hershey: IGI Global. Guerrier, Y. (2009). Organizational Behaviour in Hotels and Restaurants: An International Perspective. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. Isabelle Szmigin, M. P. (2014). Consumer Behavior. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kumar. (Ney York). Mktg Of Hospitality Tourism Serv. 2006: Tata McGraw-Hill Education. R. Perdue, H. J. (2004). Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure, Volume 3. Wallingford, Oxfordshire: CABI. Yi, Y., Gong, T. (2013). Customer value co-creation behavior: Scale development and validation. Journal of Business Research, 66(9), 1279-1284.
Business Ethics In The Financial Sector †
Question: Discuss about the Business Ethics In The Financial Sector. Answer: Introduction Every economy has a lifeline known as the financial sector. However, this sector is marred with a lot of issues ranging from scams in security, scandals in IPO, insider trading and churning to window dressing, agency problems in the group of corporates and greenmail (Dufrene Wong 2016). The issue of responsibility in the financial sector is not only a matter of private ethics but also entails the establishment and the maintenance of trust bonds between the capital users and the holders, and also amongst the operators. In insurance and banking, there is a surge in complexity and ethics has become not a choice between what is right and wrong but it involves having the zeal to confront ethical dilemmas during the course of the business. Therefore, this discourse seeks to explain the ethical issues in this sector, establish the sustainability focus, identify the factors that drive this sector in managing ethics and finally how ethics have helped propel the financial sector to a better c ourse. Sector Analysis The scandals in the finance sector and security scams have been available allover many economies and the back lies with ethics. Additionally, the financial markets that have advanced legal systems and authority of regulation have still undergone ethical problems. Some of these areas include the IPOs and fabrications. IPO scams are rampant in the financial sector since players play around with them to establish a ground for firm ownership (Dufrene Wong 2016). The operators in the IPO sector usually open accounts that are fake in a bid to purchase IPO equities and later sell them at prices that are hiked. As such, these scammers engage in spates of subscriptions for the ownership of IPO shares (Dufrene Wong 2016). An examples of a nation that has suffered this ordeal is India. Some of the major companies involved in this unethical practice were IndiaBulls Securities and also Karvy under Panchal and Sugandh. Another major challenge in the sector is the software problems and fabrications. Some of the software issues arise due to poor internet security issues and firewall protections (Staubus 2013). For instance, the most recent ransomware attack on computers and financial firms demanded an immediate action that was not realized whatsoever. Additionally, fraudulent bankers install software that hikes prices such a withdrawal and cash transfer charges. As such, banks enjoy undue profits from their customers. This same problem is harbored in the insurance sector and other companies in the financial facet. The other challenge affecting this sector is the securities and the premium scams where insurance companies and other firms hike the prices of their shares and premiums to steal from their customers (Staubus 2013). For instance, a company inflates its shares on the stock markets to siphon a lot of cash from the purchasers and then later the prices come down to the level at which they were bought before. This comes as a surprise to the buyers and because no one forced them to buy the shares, sufficient evidence is hard to come by in a bid to seek justice (Ethics in Finance 2015). The sustainability focus in the financial sector is inclined towards the responsible investing, social entrepreneurship, focus on renewable energy and management of risks. For instance, the Australian society has focused on the United Nations initiative to foster renewable and green energy to champion a pollution-free environment. In this regard, the financial sector has heavily invested in ensuring that this move gets a head start to promote an improved social service delivery as well as a clean and habitable environment (Olanrewaju, Aremo Aiyegbusi 2015). The major stakeholders in the financial sector includes the bankers, insurers, normal business accountants, small and middle income enterprises, companies in almost all economic sectors among others. In this regard, it is imperative to note that the major players are the bankers and insurers. Banks are key in the storage of finances and dissemination of loans to various players. Additionally, the stock exchange markets are equally vital in the financial sector because it acts as the lifeline of many businesses which attract investors who buy shares. Moreover, the stock exchange markets also invite many financial scams because vulnerability of customers is very high. These stakeholders, therefore, carry the mantle of the financial sector. There are various factors that are driving the financial sector to effectively manage ethics. Some of them includes the embodiment and cultural change, codifications around the sector, education, adjudication and monitoring, functions of compliance among others. Cultural change entails the continuous awareness that the society has as far as ethical conduct is concerned. People know that ethics need to be mainstreamed from the top of the organization to the bottom no matter what the scenarios may be. Furthermore, the federal as well as state laws provide for guidelines which outline the measures an individual may explore if an unethical scenario occurs in the financial sector. The cultural change responsibility cannot be divided or delegated into divisions of risk or compliance but needs to be a holistic approach and firms have realized that everyone knows their rights. Therefore, there is no shortcut from an ethical behavior. Financial boards need to comprehend the need for ethical policies and commit themselves to ensuring that effectiveness is realized. Codification is all about an established code of conduct that must be adhered to. Most of the financial institutions possess an ethical code that mandates each and every employee to follow strictly. As such, firms have no choice but to adhere to the provisions in their industry (Staubus 2013). As the law also requires, firms are supposed to regularly review their codes and establish whether; consumers are protected as opposed to shareholders only and must be in a meaningful and honest way, possesses a straightforward guidance that is practical and easy to follow, stretches beyond the financial law requirements of Australia and other parts of the world (Small 2015). Clearly, firms also strive to strike a balance between the details that are prescribed in a code of ethics and the statements that are of a high level. As such, financial firms have gotten this concept right and are gearing towards adherence to the ethical codes. Another factor is the education that most stakeholders have undertaken to smell where the rot is. Financial institutions are committed to training their employees on matters of ethics and they do it regularly. Moreover, most of the educational institutions have ethics as a unit in the courses so that the learners get familiar with the ethical purview. Considering this development, the society has been infused through a sense of ethical sensitivity. These people are flocking the financial institutions and their newer ideas on ethics are put in practice. As such, the sector has realized tremendous changes. Scholars say that there is difficulty in changing the way of peoples thoughts and actions, but education is able to do that (Small 2015). Moreover, firms have learned from the previous mistakes and new measures have been put in place to eradicate the problems (Staubus 2013). Adjudication and monitoring entails people being on the look and firms have established policing systems which ensure that their employees adhere to ethical behavior. Moreover, there are regulatory bodies that monitor the operation of financial institutions and any breach of protocol attracts heavy penalties and termination of institutions. As such, there is no choice but to divert to ethical practice (Trevino Weaver 2014). Themanagement of business ethics has been instrumental in promoting various aspects in the financial sector. Additionally, the factor of corporate social responsibility has improved in the recent times on the globe (Olanrewaju, Aremo Aiyegbusi 2015). The financial sector has attracted more customers and stakeholders due to ethical behavior. Additionally, the financial sector has seen less turnover rates because of employee satisfaction. For example, the Commonwealth Bank in Australia has some of the lowest turnover rates due to its ethical standards (Why Ethics In Finance Matters?. 2014). The Australian financial sector has seen an upsurge in the investor numbers because of its best regulatory agencies and low rates of financial fraud resulting from unethical stakeholders. It is noted that Australia is ahead of most of the Asian nations such as India, China, Taiwan and others in the financial transparency levels. Additionally, an ethical sector attracts more foreign investors who then champion economic growth. The leadership and the stakeholders in the financial sector are united because of ethics. Moreover, there is an improvement in the sectors decision making and a lot of gains in the long run. Furthermore, the society is secured through financial security and improvement (Olanrewaju, Aremo Aiyegbusi 2015). In conclusion, ethics are an important aspect that anchors the financial sector to the course of economic importance. The discourse majored on the challenges in the sector, the effectivemanagement drivers in ethics and the benefits of ethics in this area. Data from various journals and economic accounts was useful in establishing and effecting this topic. Some of the challenges identified include fraud in IPOs, securities and software insecurities and dishonesty. Sustainability of the sector is established on green energy, transparency,risk management and entrepreneurship in the society. Drivers for ethical behavior includes education, codification, constant surveillance, learning from past mistakes among others. The stakeholders are bankers, insurers and SMEs. Some of the limitations of the study are; lack of honest responses from stakeholders and insufficient evidence-based accounts thus insufficient data particularly from Australia. Lastly, it is imperative to note that the financial sector is sensitive and the nitty gritty information is not wholly captured. References Dufrene, U. and Wong, A. (2016). Stakeholders Versus Stockholders and Financial Ethics: Ethics to Whom?. Managerial Finance, 22(4), pp.1-10. Ethics in Finance. (2015). Business Ethics: A European Review, 5(3), pp.178-180. Olanrewaju, O., Aremo, A. and Aiyegbusi, O. (2015). Banking sector reforms and output growth of manufacturing sector in Nigeria (1970-2011). Journal of Economics and International Finance, 7(8), pp.183-191. Small, M. (2015). Business ethics and commercial morality in Western Australia. Journal of Business Ethics, [online] 14(4), pp.279-285. Available at: Staubus, G. (2013). Ethics Failures in Corporate Financial Reporting. Journal of Business Ethics, 57(1), pp.5-15. Trevino, L. and Weaver, G. (2014). Business Ethics/Business Ethics: One Field or Two?. Business Ethics Quarterly, 4(2), p.113 Why Ethics In Finance Matters?. (2014). Finance Bien Commun, [online] 27(2), p.52.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The Rich and the Rest
The issue of poverty is a never ending topic of discussion all over the world. This is even true in a supposedly rich country like the United States of America. This is my observation as I scan the daily newspapers, watch the six o’clock news and listen to my neighbors when they have nothing else to do but talk about life and politics.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Rich and the Rest specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is very important topic of discussion because poverty is something that many of us would not want to experience. At the same time when we talk about poverty we also talk about the other side of the coin, which is, riches and comfort. People from all walks of life, from the high and mighty to the poorest of the poor are affected by impact of extravagant wealth and staggering poverty. Economists, politicians, diplomats, entrepreneurs, employees, speculators, scholars, and even blue collar workers never cease to talk about poverty. However, there is no agreement when it comes to the root cause of these problems. It must be pointed out that poverty is caused by inequality. Poverty and inequality go hand-in-hand and in order to eradicate poverty then we need to deal with inequality. Now, here is the problem, I find it difficult to simplify inequality. For example a poor person in the United States is better-off if compared to someone who struggles in a Third-World country. Inequality on the other hand is the same tricky problem. Minorities are citizens of this country but sometimes they feel as if they are second-class citizens and unable to access to resources that are open most Americans. In order to simplify the discussion I would like to focus on some of the aspects of inequality that is familiar to me. Therefore, I would like to focus on social mobility, access to health care, the right to education, and the right to eat nutritious food. In my opinion it does not matter where you live in the world, whether you are a European living in the trendiest cities or a citizen of Third-World country living in squalor, if you do not have access to the things that I mentioned above then you have experienced inequality and if you look around you the presence of inequality in society is the root cause of poverty. In the January 22nd issue of The Economist for 2011, there is an article entitled the Inequality: The Rich and the Rest and the author said that inequality exists because of the lack of social mobility (The Economist, 2011, p.1).This is true but there is a need to elaborate on the issue of social mobility.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thus, the lack of social mobility is the existence of social obstacles that prevent a person from getting the best job etc. I believe in this statement and I should say that the focus should be on quality ed ucation. In a progressive country like America the door swings wide open for college graduates. If the percentage of young men and women who can afford to go to college will significantly increase then there will be less inequality in this nation. One of the main focuses of the Davos meeting is the growing gap between the rich and the poor. It insists that the widening gap is a global risk for the global economy (Koss McArthur, 2011, p.1). However, there is no consensus on how to solve this problem. Different leaders have different opinion on how to deal with inequality. Warren Buffet for instance made the suggestion that the rich need to be taxed more. Mr. Hu Jin Tao of China on the other hand wanted to focus on creating â€Å"harmonious society†by reducing the income gap between urban and rural families. These are good ideas however, there is this article about poverty that made me realize that although it is perfectly alright to talk about this issue the fact of the matt er is there are many people who are poor. According to the said article, â€Å"Almost half the world – over 3 billion people – live on less than $2.50 a day†(Shah, p.1). The ideas given by world leaders will help but something has to be done at the earlies possible time. As mentioned earlier inequality exists because of the lack of social mobility, lack of education, non-access to health care, and the inability to buy nutritious food. This article provides the explanation why. There income levels are low in many countries. According to a report from Stanford University inequality exists everywhere. There is even no need to travel beyond the borders of the United States because in this country â€Å"the top 1% of Americans control 23.5% of all the country’s income†(The Stanford Center for the Study of Poverty and Inequality, p.1). This is why increasing income inequality must be addressed soon. Finally, inequality exists because the poor can no lo nger afford nutritious food. This means that they are prone to sickness and diseases, malnutrition and other related problems. If poverty can be addressed by dealing with inequality then how can poor families improve their standard of living if they cannot even eat a simple meal?Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Rich and the Rest specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is true that a wide income gap is the root cause of inequality and that inequality is the root cause of poverty. In the beginning of this discussion it was not clear how I can understand the real problem pertaining to poverty. But as I went through the various information and data with regards to poverty a clear link between poverty, inequality, and income was made. The problem about poverty is urgent. But global leaders are not in agreement on the things that they need to accomplish to combat poverty and its effects. I believe that they should foc us on the issue of inequality when it comes to income levels. They must try to understand how they can set things right. Good jobs must be provided and this is only possible if there is a government that can regulate these changes. Conclusion One of the best ways to deal with poverty is the creation of jobs, the rise of entrepreneurs who will provide jobs, the establishment of a prudent and reliable government to sustain the changes made. It by narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor that one can effectively deal with inequality. If inequality is addressed then the poor will now have access to education, health care, and nutritious food. If the poor will have access to these things then it means that they can compete with the rest. They will have a chance to turn their lives around. But as long as inequality exists there is no way for them to break free from the bondage of poverty. Works Cited Koss, Johann and McArthur, John. â€Å"Davos 2011: Communities of action to end e xtreme poverty.†The Huffington Post. 2011. Web. Shah, Anup. 2011. Casuse of poverty. Web. The Economist. 2011. Inequality: The Rich and the Rest. Web.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The New York Times. 2011. Rising food prices push millions into poverty. Web. The Stanford Center for the Study of Poverty and Inequality. Income inequality is extreme and increasing. 2005. Web. This essay on The Rich and the Rest was written and submitted by user GreenGoblin to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Dating Interview Essay Sample - Learn How to Write an Applying for a Job
Dating Interview Essay Sample - Learn How to Write an Applying for a JobThe dating interview essay sample is one of the many things that you can use when writing a cover letter for an application. It has been shown that this is one of the most effective ways to write a letter for the admissions process. It will also be very easy to master and do if you know how to write an essay.This article sample will show you how to create an essay for your application. You will find the advice in this article guide in no particular order and you will know the best approach to make your application stand out from the rest. This article guide is targeted towards those who are planning to apply for the MBA program in fall 2020. If you are not considering the MBA program, then this article guide will work equally well for you.You must understand that when it comes to applying for a job in dating or any other industry, you need to develop a unique personality and style. You can never expect to apply f or many jobs and get the same application without some changes. You need to stand out in the crowd. The way you stand out from the crowd can make or break your application. You have to be different.You have to be the ideal person who the employer would want to hire for the job. You need to have the required experience, skills and qualifications. You need to be able to write the application essay properly.You can use the dating interview essay sample as a base for your application essay. This will allow you to see what your application needs to be like. You can start by reading and studying the sample. Then you can begin to implement these lessons and learn from them. The application essays will give you a good grounding for your application.As you read and study, you will come to realize that there are certain factors that are relevant to your overall perspective of life. These factors are the ones that will help you develop a character and personality that are the most unique. This will be the factor that sets you apart from others who are applying for a job. If you were born this way, then it would not be easy to turn into another.Even if you did not have great character or personality when you were born, you can easily develop those traits in yourself. This will ensure that you do not end up living in an institution like the college, university or high school. This is how the dating interview essay sample works; you improve the characteristics that you have by adding those qualities that other people need to look for in the right candidates.You will be able to see that the dating interview essay sample is all about creating a unique and extraordinary personality for the employer. You should not worry about making any mistakes because you will end up improving. This is the best way to learn how to write an application essay.
Monday, March 16, 2020
SAT World History Subject Test Study Guide
SAT World History Subject Test Study Guide World history – its not just for the History Channel buffs. You can actually study for and take an entire test all about world history when you sign up for the SAT World History Subject Test. Its one of many SAT Subject Tests offered by the College Board, which have been designed to showcase your brilliance in a plethora of different areas. This one, in particular, helps you demonstrate your expansive knowledge of things like wars, famines, the rise and fall of civilizations, etc. from Before Common Era through the 20th century. Hows that for expansive? Note: The SAT World History Subject Test is not part of the SAT Reasoning Test, the popular college admissions exam. SAT World History Subject Test Basics Before you register for this test, here are the basics about the manner in which youll be tested. 60 minutes95 multiple-choice questions200-800 points possibleQuestions may be asked individually or could be placed in sets based on quotes, maps, charts, cartoons, pictures or other graphics. SAT World History Subject Test Content Heres the good stuff. What in the world (ha!) are you going to need to know? A ton, as it turns out. Take a look: Locations of Historical Information: Global or Comparative history: Approximately 23-24 questionsEuropean history: Approximately 23-24 questionsAfrican history: Approximately 9-10 questionsSouthwestern Asian history: Approximately 9-10 questionsSouthern and Southeastern Asian history: Approximately 9-10 questionsEastern Asian history: Approximately 9-10 questionsThe Americas history (excluding the United States): Approximately 9-10 questions Time Periods: B.C. E to 500 C.E.: Approximately 23-24 questions500 C.E. to 1500 C.E.: 19 questions1500 to 1900 C.E.: Approximately 23-24 questionsPost 1900 C.E.: 19 questionsCross-chronological: Approximately 9-10 questions SAT World History Subject Test Skills Your 9th grade world history class isnt going to be enough. You need more than just a meager knowledge of the Romans to do well on this thing. Heres the kind of stuff in which you should be well-versed before you sit for the test: Taking a multiple-choice testRecall and understanding of historical conceptsAnalyzing cause and effect relationshipsComprehending geography necessary for comprehending historyInterpreting maps, charts, graphs and other graphics Why Take the SAT World History Subject Test? For some of you, youll have to. If youre applying to enter a history program, especially one that focuses on world history, then you may be required to take it by the program. Check with your admissions counselor! If youre not required to take it, but youre seeking admission to some sort of historical program, it might be a good idea to go ahead and take it, especially if world history is your thing. It could showcase your knowledge if your regular SAT score wasnt so hot, or it could help to offset a less than stellar GPA. How to Prepare for the SAT World History Subject Test If you have 95 questions based on anything from early humanity to the year you were born, then Id study if I were you. The College Board offers 15 free practice questions for you, so you can get a feel for how youll be tested. It also provides a second pamphlet with the answers. We recommend a college-level world history course, with some expansive world history reading on the side. Test prep companies like The Princeton Review and Kaplan also offer some test prep for the World History Subject Test for a fee, of course. Sample SAT World History Question This sample SAT world history question comes straight from The College Board, themselves, so it should give you a snapshot of the kinds of questions youll see on test day (since they wrote the test and all). By the way, the questions are ranked in order of difficulty in their question pamphlet from 1 to 5, where 1 is the least difficult and 5 is the most. The question below is marked as a difficulty level of 2. 11. Social Darwinists such as Herbert Spencer argued that (A) competition allows individuals to develop their talents and meet their needs(B) competition and cooperation are equally important in building a productive and compassionate society(C) human societies progress through competition since the strong survive and the weak perish(D) human societies progress through cooperation, a natural instinct that should be encouraged(E) God predetermines that some members of society are fated to succeed and some members are fated to fail Answer: Choice (C) is correct. Social Darwinists such as Herbert Spencer argued that the history of human societies and races has been shaped by the same principles as those that Charles Darwin had postulated for biological evolution, namely the principles of natural selection and survival of the fittest. Social Darwinists, therefore, tended to interpret the geopolitical dominance of Europe (and people of European birth or ancestry) in their late-19th- and early-20th-century world as both proof for the argument that Europeans were more highly evolved than other races and as a justification for continued European colonial rule worldwide.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated in Glucose Transport
Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated in Glucose Transport A role for ataxia telangiectasia mutated in insulin-independent stimulation of glucose transport Abstract Literature reports suggest that ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) can activate the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a protein that can stimulate glucose transport in skeletal muscle. We hypothesized that 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide (AICAR), an AMPK activator, would increase glucose transport in mouse extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles in an ATM-dependent manner. AICAR-stimulated glucose transport was prevented by the ATM inhibitor KU-55933 and in ATM-deficient (ATM-/-) muscle despite normal stimulation of AMPK phosphorylation. S231 of TBC1D1 matches the sequence motif of ATM substrates, and phosphorylation of this site is known to inhibit TBC1D1 and lead to increased glucose transport. Accordingly, we assessed TBC1D1 phosphorylation and found that AICAR-stimulated phosphorylation of TBC1D1 at S231did not occurin ATM-/- muscle. However, activation of ATM without activation of AMPK was insufficient to increase TBC1D1 phosphorylation.The data suggest that ATM plays a role in AICAR stimulated glucose transport downstream of AMPK. Keywords: AMP-activated protein kinase; ataxia telangiectasia mutated; TBC1D1; AICAR; glucose transport; skeletal muscle Introduction The serine-threonine kinase ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) appears to play a role in glucose homeostasis. For example, recent genome-wide association studies have found that genetic variations near the ATM gene are related to glycemic responses to metformin [1, 2], a commonly-prescribed drug for blood glucose control. While the mechanism for metformin’s effect on blood glucose levels is under debate [3-6], it is known that metformin acutely stimulates glucose transport into skeletal muscle concomitant with activation of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) [7]. Activation of AMPK is sufficient to stimulate insulin-independent glucose transport into skeletal muscle [8, 9]. Intriguingly, ATM dependence has been reported for activation of AMPK in response to DNA damage or insulin-like growth factor 1 in HeLa cells and fibroblasts, exposure of lung cancer cells to ionizing radiation,exposure of lymphoblaststo H 2 O 2 , or treatment of HeLa cells and mouse embryonic fibroblasts with the adenosine analog AICAR [10-14]. Despite these suggestive data on the role of ATM upstream of AMPK, the potential role of ATM in AMPK-dependent stimulation of glucose transport has not previously been investigated in skeletal muscle, the predominant whole-body storage depot for glucose. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that glucose uptake stimulated by the AMPK activator AICAR would be dependent on ATM in skeletal muscle. Methods Materials Antibodies against TBC1D1, AMPK, phosphorylated AMPKÃŽ ± T172 (P-AMPK), and phosphorylated ATM S1981 (P-ATM) were purchased from Cell Signaling Technology (Beverly, MA, USA). Antibodies aga inst phosphorylated TBC1D1 (P-TBC1D1) S237 (S231 in mouse) were purchased from EMD Millipore Corporation (Billerica, MA, USA). Antibodies against tubulin and ATM were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich Corporation (St. Louis, MO, USA). Horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibodies were obtained from Pierce Biotechnology (Rockford, IL, USA). The ATM inhibitor KU-55933 was a generous gift from Dr. Graeme Smith (KuDOSPhramaceuticals, Cambridge, UK). The AMPK inhibitor Compound C was provided by Merck & Co., Inc. (Rahway, NJ, USA). Doxorubicin was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Corporation. Radiolabeled 2-deoxyglucose and mannitol were purchased from American Radiolabeled Chemicals, Inc. (St. Louis, MO, USA).
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Week 3 Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Week 3 Assignment - Essay Example The book ‘Global issues in intellectual property law’ is a section of the GLOBAL ISSUES SERIES. Every book in the series has materials designed to assist the introduction of transnational, international, and comparative legal issues into courses of some schools. The aim of the series is to guarantee that every student has an adequate familiarity with the effect of non-domestic basis of law, and the increasing potential for transnational legal disputes and transactions, to work in this era of increasing globalization. Additionally, introduction of transnational, international and comparative law information can enhance a student’s comprehension of domestic law. The book is very important to this paper since it offers additional information pertaining to domestic laws on intellectual property. The book provides information on current issues in regard to intellectual property. Hansen, S., & VanFleet, J. (2003). Traditional Knowedge and Intellectual Property: A Handbook on Issues and Options for Traditional Knowledge Holders in Protecting their Intellectual Property and Maintaining Biological
Saturday, February 1, 2020
American Law Enforcement - Ethical Dillemma Essay
American Law Enforcement - Ethical Dillemma - Essay Example Police ranks often pull together to support their own and when that does not work, the community will justify their actions by not holding them responsible for the outcomes of bad decision making. The ethics within the police rank appears to be teleological, supporting the concept of the means justifying the ends, despite all Constitutional efforts to dissuade this type of thinking. In a world that is becoming ever increasingly violent the service that is entered into by the police should reflect a higher standard of responsibility instead of a shield that protects them from the outcomes of their poor decision making processes. Incidents Death and Justification In the year 2000 Shannon Smith, a mentally disabled man of 27 who often forgot to pay for the gas he would pump into his Cadillac. The $15 dollars in gas was not the first that he had forgotten to pay, but he would remember and go back, or his father would take care of the bill for him when called. On this particular occasion, however, the clerk called the police and a slow pace pursuit began chasing the mentally disabled man across jurisdictions. ... Gabor was later charged with his murder (Reynolds, 2001). Despite evidence that Gabor had used his nightstick to pound on the car window and to kick at the car, he was acquitted of the charges. Smith’s family received $675,000 in a wrongful death settlement against Gabor from the police department who settled on Gabor’s behalf (Reynolds, 2002). On August 31st of this year Michael Vincent Allen was shot 41 times after a high speed chase that included a bashed in front end to a police vehicle. Police contend that at the end of a cul de sac Allen tried to make a u-turn which ended in the damage to the front of the police car, but witnesses contradicted that version and stated that it was the police car that rammed into Allen’s vehicle. The officer’s name, that has yet to be released, stood with his fellow officers and fired 41 times at the suspect while the other officers did not fire off a single shot (Peterson, 2012). The initial police reports supported th e officer through police accounts, but a wider investigation showed that he was aggressive and that he was the only one shooting is suspicious. Officer Mathew Jacob Marin, who has been a police officer for five years, shot and killed a man with only one arm and one leg in a wheelchair when he was cornered by the man who was waving around a metal object which turned out to be a pen. Marin was involved in a previous shooting death during his career when in 2009 he shot a suspect who was stabbing his neighbor and refused to drop the knife when confronted. In the same year, a poll taken by the Chicago Tribune found that 59% of police officers never fire their gun during their career. While the first incident seems justifiable for Marin,
Friday, January 24, 2020
Eaters of The Dead :: essays papers
Eaters of The Dead â€Å"Eaters of the Dead†by Michael Crichton is a fiction but with historical background. Through this piece Crichton hopes to express the way of life for the Vikings in the year 922 AD while at the same time creating an entertaining story. Using a manuscript written by Ibn-Fadlan Crichton pieced together a book filled with adventure and excitement. Michael Crichton was born in Chicago, 1942 and always knew he had a talent for writing. He attended Brown University and has since published many books such as â€Å"Jurassic Park†, â€Å"The Rising Sun†, â€Å"Disclosure†, and many more. Several of his books have been made into movies, for example, â€Å"Jurassic Park†, â€Å"The Lost World†, â€Å"Sphere†, â€Å"Congo†, and â€Å"Eaters of the Dead†is coming to theatres this summer starring Antonio Banderas. Michael Crichton is also the writer of the hit TV show â€Å"ER†. Ibn-Fadlan is a refined Arab courtier representing the powerful Caliph of Baghdad and the whole story line is based on his travels. He is a Muslim and is sent to the Bulgar land to instruct the king in the Islamic religion, acquaint the king with Islamic laws, and build a Mosque in the city. Little does Ibn-Fadlan know where his travels will lead him. Wyglif is the present chief of the Northmen (at the time) he has fallen ill and is believed to have no chance of recovery. Once he dies, shortly after becoming ill, Buliwyf is made the new leader. Buliwyf is a young noble chosen to be the Northmens new leader once Wyglif dies. He is a courageous warrior, very tall and strong, and skin, hair, and beard of pure white. Herger, one of the Northmen warriors, also became Ibn-Fadlan’s friend. He helped him to translate the words of the Northmen and also helped Ibn-Fadlan become accustomed to their way of life and how to act around the Northmen. â€Å"The Wendols†are characters in the story who, as told by Ibn-Fadlan, do not seem fully human. They ride on the back of a black horse and have the head of a bear. They are extremely fierce warriors and are quite vindictive. They give off a stench so strong it hurts to breathe because they consume human flesh and it is always on their breath. They come with the mist, a dark fog that encircles the land when the Wendols come.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Online Enrolment System
Introduction Background of the study: Automation and online transaction is not relatively new here in our country and more so abroad. In fact it is a growing fad abroad and is beginning to crop up in our country gradually, where bank transactions, business dealings and buying and selling take place. It is very convenient to do online transactions because one does not have to actually be in the supermarket, department store, drugstore or bookstore in order to buy things needed.All it takes is a computer that has an internet connection, and one can instantly place the order. Sooner or later, the product is at the doorstep. Online enrollment is to a certain extent a new fad. The Online Enrolment system of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University serves as a vital part in the life of every student upon entering the university, it gives the student the impression on how the whole institute manages and manipulate in the entire body.The Online enrolment system provides less time consuming and dat a consistency, it stores details of students, year, and section. The enrolment is designed for authorized user of the school office that enables them to produce information required by the different people in the school. Computerized systems help the organization to flourish their everyday life. It is important in such a way that it benefits not only the students but the administration as a whole. It lessen the workload, and provides accurate information.Last June 2012, the Ateneo de Zamboanga University implemented the online enrolment system to lessen the enrollment time, speeds up file management, and minimize inaccuracies and errors. Online Enrolment system is a good example of computer generated process. This can lessen the workload and provides accurate information needed of the university. As a result, it will benefit not only the student but the company as a whole. This study that we are doing is to define the benefits of the students, the advantage and disadvantages, and th e Impact to the students here in the Ateneo.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
2008 Financial Crisis Essay - 2286 Words
Question 1 Hank Paulson played a critical role in the financial crisis of 2008. How did Mr. Paulson help create the environment that led up to the financial crisis? What mistakes did he make as Secretary of Treasury when he had to manage the financial crisis of 2008? Do you think Mr. Paulson acted as an unbiased Secretary of the Treasury or did his background at Goldman impact his thinking and his actions? As Secretary of Treasury, Hank Paulson’s lax supervision let too many subprime mortgage bonds get into the market. The investment banks purchased this big short, which was like a time bomb. This was the environment, which Mr. Paulson created to lead up to the financial crisis. In March 2008, the Wall Street fifth investment bank,†¦show more content†¦In this sense, the crisis in Europe today is actually above fiscal and political. In short, the first task of European leadership today is to rebuild the European idea. Even in the debt crisis now, the central European entity has the ability to ensure revenue at the federal level to provide everyone public goods. EU need to remind everyone that the stable life and the rising prosperity European public, even the whole world, have now has been due to the path toward unity. There is no doubt that the European integration’s contribution on Economic prosperity and absence of war. That is why more European integration, n ot less, is the only solution to whatever problems they encountered and they will meet in future. Question 3 What firm bears the greatest responsibility for the financial crisis of 2008? What was this firm willing to do that no other firm was willing to do? Did this firm survive the initial year of the financial crisis and is the firm still in existence? What role did Warren Buffet play in the financial crisis? How many investment banks paid the price for the financial crisis? Who were they? Were some investment banks actually rewarded as a result of the financial crisis? If so, how were they rewarded? As the bankruptcy protection of Lehman Brothers, lots of company that invested in Lehman would be the next victims in the financial crisis,Show MoreRelatedFinancial Crisis 20085972 Words  | 24 PagesCORPORATE FINANCE THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS 2008 Group’s member:Nguyá »â€¦n NhÆ ° Nam (C)Phan Thu AnNguyá »â€¦n Thà ¹y DungHoà ng Bà ¡ SÆ ¡nNgà ´ Thá »â€¹ à nh Tuyá º ¿tDate: 28/11/2014 | AbstractIn 2008 the world was fell into the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of 1929-1933. Although this crisis has gone, however, its consequences for the economy of many countries is very serious, even now many nations are still struggling to escape difficulty. Just in a short period, the crisis originating from AmericaRead MoreGlobal Financial Crisis 20083250 Words  | 13 Pages1. Introduction Shah (2010) stated that the global financial crisis which has been brewing for a while has really started to show its effects in the middle of 2007 and into 2008. It started with the default of the subprime housing loans in the United States when its housing bubble burst. It caused a great impact across the globe that first struck down major financial institutions, first in United States and then in Europe, that were directly exposed to the mortgage default risk. After theRead MoreThe Financial Crisis Of 2008 Essay2044 Words  | 9 PagesThe 2008 financial meltdown resulted in the most treacherous investment landscape observed since the great depression. The most notorious issue was the subprime mortgage crisis, which had a ripple effect felt through every market in the world. The banks, whose leverage rate should never have been higher than two times capitalization, surged as high as thirty to forty times market cap. With this level of exposure, any unforeseen market fluctuations could mean disaster. Lehman Brothers, the oldestRead MoreCauses of the 2008 Financial Crisis2661 Words  | 11 PagesTitle Date of Submission Causes of the 2008 Financial Crisis a) Financial crisis definition Financial crisis is defined as the financial meltdown, or in other terms as the credit crunch. A financial crisis is an economic incidence makes it hard to obtain and access the capital for use in investment. The economic crisis is an ongoing economic problem that was more pronounced in 2008 resulting in the liquidity in the global credit markets and its financial systems (Berlatsky 77). This means thatRead MoreThe 2008 Financial Crisis Essay2289 Words  | 10 PagesIntroduction In 2008, the world experienced a tremendous financial crisis which rooted from the U.S housing market; moreover, it is considered by many economists as one of the worst recession since the Great Depression in 1930s. After posing a huge effect on the U.S economy, the financial crisis expanded to Europe and the rest of the world. It brought governments down, ruined economies, crumble financial corporations and impoverish individual lives. For example, the financial crisis has resulted inRead MoreThe Financial Crisis And 2008 Is A Big International Crisis2051 Words  | 9 Pageshave a financial crisis, it depends on the government and banks, which means Australia might go to have a financial crisis in the further year. Banks can reduce the likelihood of having a financial crisis in countries. Many possible ways to have a financial crisis and 2008 is a big international crisis. Australia financial system helped the government to reduce the damage from the 2008 international crisis, ma ny countries except Australia have a serious problem and impact after the crisis. AustraliaRead MoreThe Financial Crisis Of 2007-20081419 Words  | 6 Pagesthe recent credit crunch. The financial crisis of 2007–2008, also known as the Global Financial Crisis and 2008 financial crisis, is considered by some economists such as Nouriel Roubini, professor of economics and international business at New York University, Kenneth Rogoff, professor of economics and public policy at Harvard University, and Nariman Behravesh, chief economist and executive vice president for IHS Global Insight, to have been the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression ofRead MoreEffects Of The Financial Crisis Of 2007-20081763 Words  | 8 PagesFinancial crisis of 2007-2008 is widely considered to be the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of 1930s. The origin of this big storm dated back to the high home prices of the United States. After America’s entire investment banking system was attacked, many industries such as auto industry also went bankrupt. Unfortunately, it spread quickly to the whole world, causing huge damages to the global economy. Th erefore, my study will focus on the effects of the financial crisis of 2007-2008Read MoreThe Global Financial Crisis Of 2007-20082489 Words  | 10 PagesThe Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 has been studied by several economists, and different causes have been identified, both primary and secondary, which intensified the overall impact of the crisis. In my view, the Global Financial Crisis resulted due to a culmination of several policies that interplayed with each other, and significantly influenced all sectors of the economy, from consumers to the government. In this essay, I will be addressing the main underlying causes of the crisis, how theyRead More2008 Financial Crisis: Icelands Then Now Essay examples1558 Words  | 7 PagesCauses of the Crisis On September 15, 2008, the American bank Lehman Brothers, with holdings over 600 billion USD, filed bankruptcy. This was by far the biggest bankruptcy in U.S history and it marked the beginning and the largest financial crisis ever. How can one of the biggest banks in the world fail? How can a bankruptcy in US make someone on the other side of the world unemployed? The answer is Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) and it all started by new innovations in the financial sector combined
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