Thursday, October 31, 2019
Network virtual servers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Network virtual servers - Research Paper Example Similarly, VMware supplies numerous virtualization systems that are mainly host based. In the hypervisor market, the developer mainly offers two somewhat similar softwares, the ESX and ESXi (Finn & Lownds 23). The ESX is the company’s customary release and it entails the hypervisor and a developed management operation while ESXi is the firm’s latest release, and it is a hypervisor-only version. Both the Hyper-V and ESXi do not demand an OS accompaniment since they connect directly on the hardware; however, their integration structure varies. The VMware has a direct driver structure where the application’s lines install on hardware, hence, linking the hardware and virtual gadgets servicing the server. As such, the structure incorporates the hardware drivers in the hypervisor. Similarly, the Hyper-V installs on the hardware but a structured application that propels the Window Server, directs all functions and hardware’s access. Considering this connection structure, the Hyper-V system is regarded to have an indirect driver structure (Finn & Lownds 134). The simpler the structure of a hypervisor, the easer is its management. Management entails adopting and structuring hardware, installing virtual accompaniments, configuring the network among others. Software that incorporates and adjusts to these demands comfortably is easier to manage. The Hyper-V and the VMware incorporate and associateswith these structures in varying ways. The Hyper-V control entirely depends on a root partition plan done through a central Hyper-V manager. This plan is somewhat similar to other Microsoft management applications and demands little skills to launch. This tool, hence, controls basic virtual functions associated with the hardware. Importantly, an operator can control some hardware setups in the root partition using ordinary OS tools. Indeed, the tool is manageable remotely
Monday, October 28, 2019
Related Diversification Is a More Successful Strategy Essay Example for Free
Related Diversification Is a More Successful Strategy Essay (exploitation of know-how, more efficient use of available resources and capacities). In addition, companies may also explore diversification Just to get a valuable comparison between this strategy and expansion. Types of diversifications Moving away from the core competency is termed as diversification. Diversification involves directions of development which take the organisation away from its present markets and its present products at the same time. Diversification is of two types: (i) Related diversification: Related diversification is development beyond the present roduct and market, but still within the broad confines of the industry (i. e. value chain) in which a company operates. For example, an automobile manufacturer may engage in production of passenger vehicles and light trucks. (ii)Unrelated diversification: Unrelated diversification is where the organisation moves beyond the confines of its current industry. For example ,a food processing firm manufacturing leather footwear as well. The different types of diversification strategies The strategies of diversification can include internal development of new products or arkets, acquisition of a firm, alliance with a complementary company, licensing of new technologies, and distributing or importing a products line manufactured by another firm. Generally, the final strategy involves a combination of these options. This combination is determined in function of available opportunities and consistency with the objectives and the resources of the company. There are three types of diversification: concentric, horizontal and conglomerate: (1) Concentric diversification The company adds new products or services which have technological or commercial ynergies with current products and which will appeal to new customer groups. The objective is therefore to benefit from synergy effects due to the complementarities of activities, and thus to expand the firms market by attracting new groups of buyers. Concentric diversification does not lead the company into a completely new world as it operates in familiar territory in one of the two major fields (technology or marketing). Therefore that kind of diversification makes the task easier, although not necessarily successful. (2)Horizontal diversification The company adds new products or services that are technologically or commercially nrelated to current products, but which may appeal to current customers. In a competitive environment, this form of diversification is desirable if the present customers are loyal to the current products and if the new products have a good quality and are well promoted and priced. Moreover, the new products are marketed to the same economic environment as the existing products, which may lead to rigidity and instability. In other words, this strategy tends to increase the firms dependence on certain market segments. (3) Conglomerate diversification (or lateral diversification) The company markets new roducts or services that have no technological or commercial synergies with current products, but which may appeal to new groups of customers. The conglomerate diversification has very little relationship with the firms current business. Therefore, the main reasons of adopting such a strategy are first to improve the profitability and the flexibility of the company, and second to get a better reception in capital markets as the company gets bigger. Even if this strategy is very risky, it could also, if successful, provide increased growth and profitability. Risks in diversification Diversification is the riskiest of the four strategies presented in the Ansoff matrix and requires the most careful investigation. Going into an unknown market with an unfamiliar product offering means a lack of experience in the new skills and techniques required.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Factors for Political Participation
Factors for Political Participation The term political participation has a very broad meaning. It is not only related to Right to Vote but simultaneously relates to participation in: decision making process, political activism, political consciousness. Women in socialist democratic countries have higher proportion of representation in their federal parliament than women in Canada because In Canada there is less population as compare to socialist democratic countries. Moreover, females are least interested in parliament. In democratic Female politicians are more likely to concentrate on problems that matter more to women such as daycare, gender equality, reproductive rights, elderly care and childrens welfare.Women turnout during Indias 2014 parliamentary general elections was 65.63%, compared to 67.09% turnout for men. India ranks 20th from the bottom in terms of representation of women in Parliament. Not only has these women politicians taken an interest in various policy issues. But it also had been shown that they a lso govern differently. In Sweden 45 per cent seats are occupied by women in parliament. So far as the administration is concerned, there are only 592 women IAS officers out of 4,671 officers(Puja mondal). The demand for special concessions and privileges along with the reservation of posts and other civic institutions are a few steps towards women empowerment in India Assemblies and parliament. Lyn Kathleen shows that American female politician have very different leadership styles from men. In her study Not only do women politicians take an interest in different policy issues, but it has also been shown that they also govern differently. Since the modern notion of human rights originated in a western women in Islamic countries in particular, find themselves in a quandary when they initiate, or participate in, a discussion on human rights whether in the west or in Muslim societies. Indian women have a distinction to become UNO Secretary (Vijay laxmi Pandit), Prime Minister (Indira Gandhi), Chief Minister (Sucheta Kriplani, Jayalalitha, Uma Bharati, Mayawati and Vasundhara Raje) and even President (Pratibha Patil). Furthermore, the limited empowerment that we have seen has been nurtured within the socio-economic-political empowerment process of people, including women, through the Panchayat system (Bagchi 2002) Structural: Structural barriers include the level of socio-economic development in a society and the percentage of women in professional and managerial activities. There is a direct link between the social and economic status of women in society and their participation in political institutions and elected bodies. Socio-economic obstacles include poverty and unemployment, lack of adequate financial resources, illiteracy and limited access to education, choice of professions and the dual burden of family and a full-time job. Women take on a disproportionate share of household tasks which makes a political career almost impossible. Moreover, household tasks, taking care of the children and elderly are not always considered as actual work. Institutional structures: Because of their multi-level hierarchy and complex decision-making help to preserve barriers in such a way that proposals regarding any aspects of gender equality often do not reach the top decision-making level. In Slovakia, the electoral system is based on proportional representation on candidates lists, which means that women have (theoretically) a better chance to be elected. The position of women on the candidates lists is then crucial for their eligibility: the higher a woman is seeded on the list, the bigger chance she has to be elected. In the 2002 elections, the share of female candidates seeded in the top half of candidates lists was 20.9% and the share in the top quarter was 17.9 %.( Alexandra 2002). Many women and men do not think that introducing quotas is a good idea. Men argue that it would be humiliating for women to introduce a quota system because our clever women can succeed themselves, and it would be against the basic human rights and equality of all. Women are skeptical mainly because of the experience with quotas from the socialist past, and because they believe that the society is not yet prepared to accept quotas. Education: Education is the best way to understand the inequality. With the help of education they have better job opportunity and serve better their community. Because women have less access to education than men, their professional advancement and chance to enter institutions involved in corporate politics at an operative level are reduced. Some societies and parents see their role in giving a full quality education to women as a privilege that can be withdrawn. The impact of illiteracy on the exercising of ones political rights has been the main method to reduce it. Women do not enter nontraditional occupations; instead women enter nurturing or tertiary occupations which inhibit political life and the growth of self confidence. There is a mindset on the part of many men and women that a role in politics is unsuitable for a woman. Poverty: Poverty is also one of the major hindrances for women to be involved in politics, namely, the disproportionate effect of poverty on women. Because of womens care giving responsibilities they often work part-time, which has a lifelong effect on womens income and women who do work full-time still earn less than men Whereas men who enter into politics tend to come from law and business and earning better. In addition, many women are discouraged by a lack of resources to finance their electoral campaign or undertake serious initiatives. Often poverty also prevents women from taking the time for political involvement. Christy Clark BC MLA(2001) asked by several Journalists to explain how she could do her job properly as provincial minister of education while simultaneously raising a new born child Type of democracy is also important. References: Bashevkin, Sylvia (2009), Introduction, in Bashevkin, Sylvia, Women, Power, Politics: The Hidden Story of Canadas Unfinished Democracy, Oxford University Press, p. 15, Bagchi, A.K.(2000), sangskriti, samaj,o Arthanity (in Bengali: culture, society, and economics), Calcutta. United Nations Childrens Fund, The State of the Worlds Children 2004: Girls education and development, UNICEF, New York, 2003.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Street Scalpers :: essays papers
Street Scalpers Ticket scalping has shown much benefits to both consumers and sellers, and where demand meets supply. For the ultimate consumers, scalpers offer an alternative to purchasing the much sought after tickets without waiting in line. However, at a higher monetary value! Demand for these "easy" tickets has been great that keeps ticket scalping going on for years. There are different value people put in the things they do over the others. What is the value an individual put to wait in line or to pay a higher price differs these people into two groups. From the economic perspective, people who waits in line expects their marginal benefits from the ticket to match or exceed their marginal cost. While others choose to purchase from street scalpers has place their time as their marginal benefits over the marginal cost of higher price. Ticket scalping will thrive as long as there is demand for the service and people are willing to pay a higher price. As the two group of people identify their marginal benefits opposite of one another, the price for the same event changes as well. The time-cost to wait in line seems higher to the buyers from the scalpers and therefor, it is fair that they pay a higher price for the ticket without having to spent unproductive hours. To enforce restrictions on reselling tickets, the price of the tickets will become less affordable as there will be less audience to make the event more successful and profitable. It will also cost the scalpers to charge their customers an even higher price. The best solution to stop ticket scalping is to have enough tickets for everyone who wants it.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Letter to Macduff
A Letter to Macduff Dear Macduff, Oh, what you have missed! I have important news to tell you. A series of events happened at the banquet you failed to attend. The majesty left all of us thanes speechless and suspicious. It is not that I ever doubted your thoughts about Macbeth, but it is now clear to me that he is a guilty man with a conscience filled with remorse. The ceremony seemed as if it were going to be elegant and pleasing. There were an equal number of thanes on each side of the table.The king presented himself honorably as he sat down with the rest of us to â€Å"play the humble host†and announced that Lady Macbeth would keep her state. However not long after that things began to get strange. A dirt and bloody man walked through the doors of the dining room and Macbeth quickly got up and attended him. Suspicious it was, my lord, for Macbeth seem unsatisfied with the news the ruffian delivered and before anything else could be said, Lady Macbeth interrupted and remi nded Macbeth of his duties as a host.She seen overly agitated, embarrassed and desperate to get Macbeth away from the doors and back to the feast. She rightly said that a guest must be treated with social rituals and courtesy and must be reminded of how welcomed they are. However as she did this, those looking at his majesty discretely could tell that the bloody man was bringing him bad news and as soon as he heard Lady Macbeth he quickly dispatched the man from the banquet.In all honestly, it looked like Macbeth had someone do his dirty work for him and something went wrong however once he got back at the table he tried to put it aside and the feast began. That wasn’t all! If you had only been there to see what Lady Macbeth claimed was an illness of the king’s infancy. His body was possessed with madness! As he was about to make a toast, he suddenly stopped as if his heart had stop beating and his expression changed from joy to intense fear and the he began to scream â€Å"Which of you have done this? He did all this while looking at the empty chair that was meant to be filled by Banquo whom also did not attend the banquet. And things only became stranger. His majesty continuously repeated he had not done â€Å"it†however he never mention what â€Å"it†was. It seemed that some kind of vision appeared to be accusing him of something. What could he be accused of? You can only imagine that Lady Macbeth tried to ease the situation, by saying it was just a momentary fit and to do our best to ignore him, however this was very hard to do.She also demanded the guest not to ask any questions since it would feed and extend the king’s passion. And of course no one did but all of us thanes were filled with curiosity and suspicion as to what was happening. She approached the king and had a word with him where no one could hear but by simply looking at her you could tell she was not content and as the conversation got intense their voi ces rose and we all heard the king declare that is charnel-house and graves sent back the bodies put in them then our graves would be like the maws of kite.As soon as the king and queen rejoined with their guest, Macbeth spoke and said he suffered from a strange infirmity. He pretended like nothing had happened and demanded wine. He might have fooled himself but not us, as it was obvious that there was more to the story than a simple illness. Furthermore my lord In the middle of the servant pouring the wine, the king began to grow pail and weak once more and then screams â€Å"avaunt and quit my sight! †all of us Thanes were confused since we were not sure if he was talking to us, but then it became clear that he was having another one of his episodes.This time, however, he revealed things our ears were not meant to hear. He confessed that what he was so vividly seeing was a ghost. Lady Macbeth tried once more to brighten the mood of the dinner but too much had been said and we all wanted to hear more. All present at the table looked at each other with one eye and had the other fixed on Macbeth. He seemed so certain that what he saw was real, the fear and remorse in his eyes could be seen from miles away and no one could help but wonder whose ghost he was seeing.Dear Macduff at this point I wouldn’t help but think that maybe it was your father king Duncan coming back for vengeance†¦ Our suspicions grew even stronger by the end of his second episode. He paused, looked at us and asked us how we could see such things and not look pale moreover when Ross asked him with confusion what the sighs were, before the King could reply, Lady Macbeth firmly reminded us that questions would enrage him and then dismissed all of us and demanded to leave at once and not by order of importance.The scene was quite suspicious and most alarming Macduff. This whole ceremony was a disaster that will lead to Macbeth’s fall my lord. Things were said and done at this event that no one thane should have seen or heard. Once we left the banquet you could hear the rumors on the street about the king, how he had gone mad, but those who were knowledgeable, began to think about the things that had happened and began to ask questions about the resent murders. How is it going with you Macduff?After attending the banquet last night, I am certain that Macbeth will go to any length to get what he want so please be careful, watch your back at all times. Hope everything is working out the way you hope. Your noble friend, Lennox P. S. You will not believe that news my ears have just heard. Banquo has been killed by savages. He was found in the wood stabbed to death. I wonder who would want him dead and why. Who will be next? This have gotten out of control around here and it is all because of the tyrant Macbeth. You must hurry and put a stop to this before anyone else gets hurt. Related essay: â€Å"Co Curricular Activities Letterâ€
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Start Programming C With raspberry Pi
Start Programming C With raspberry Pi This set of instructions wont suit everybody but Ill try to be as generic as possible. I installed the Debian Squeeze distribution, so the programming tutorials are based on that. Initially, Im starting off by compiling programs on the Raspi but given its relative slowness to any PC in the last ten years, its probably best to switch to developing on another PC and copying the executables over. Ill cover that in a future tutorial, but for now, its about compiling on the Raspi. Preparing for Developing The starting point is you have a Raspi with a working distribution. In my case, its Debian Squeeze which I burnt with instructions from the RPI Easy SD Card Setup. Make sure you bookmark the Wiki as its got tons of useful stuff. If your Raspi has booted and youve logged in (username pi, p/w raspberry) then type gcc - v at the command line. Youll see something like this: Using built-in specs.Target: arm-linux-gnueabiConfigured with: ../src/configure -v with-pkgversionDebian 4.4.5-8 with-bugurlfile:///usr/share/doc/gcc-4.4/README.Bugsenable-languagesc,c,fortran,objc,obj-c prefix/usr program-suffix-4.4 enable-shared enable-multiarch enable-linker-build-idwith-system-zlib libexecdir/usr/lib without-included-gettext enable-threadsposix with-gxx-include-dir/usr/include/c/4.4 libdir/usr/libenable-nls enable-clocalegnu enable-libstdcxx-debug enable-objc-gc disable-sjlj-exceptions enable-checkingrelease buildarm-linux-gnueabihostarm-linux-gnueabi targetarm-linux-gnueabiThread model: posixgcc version 4.4.5 (Debian 4.4.5-8) Install Samba One of the first things I did and recommend to you if you have a Windows PC on the same network as your Raspi is to install and setup Samba so you can access the Raspi. Then I issued this command: gcc -v l.txt To get the above listing into the file l.txt that I could view and copy on my Windows PC. Even if you are compiling on the Raspi, you can edit source code from your Windows box and compile on the Raspi. You cant just compile on your Windows box using say MinGW unless your gcc is configured to output ARM code. That can be done but lets learn to walk first and learn how to compile and run programs on the Raspi. Read up on Cygwin and MinGW. GUI or Terminal Ill assume that you are new to Linux, so apologies if you know it already. You can do most of the work from the Linux terminal ( command line). But it can be easier if you fire up the GUI (Graphical User Interface) to have a look around the file system. Type startx to do that. The mouse cursor will appear and you can click in the bottom left-hand corner (it looks like a mountain( to see the menus. Click on Accessories and run File Manager to let you view folders and files. You can close it down any time and return to the terminal by clicking the little red button with a white circle in the bottom right-hand corner. Then click on Logout to return to the command line. You may prefer to have the GUI open all the time. When you want a terminal click the bottom left button then click Other on the menu and Terminal. In the Terminal, you can close it by typing Exit or click the Windows like x in the top right-hand corner. Folders The Samba instructions on the Wiki tell you how to setup a public folder. Its probably best to do that. Your home folder (pi) will be readonly and you want to write to the public folder. I created a sub-folder in public called code and created the hello.c file listed below in it from my Windows PC. If you prefer to edit on the PI, it comes with a text editor called Nano. You can run it from the GUI on the other menu or from the terminal by typing sudo nanosudo nano hello.c The sudo elevates nano so it can write files with root access. You can run it just as nano, but in some folders that wont give you write access and you wont be able to save files so running things with sudo is usually best. Hello World Heres the code: #includeint main() {printf(Hello World\n);return 0;} Now type in gcc -o hello hello.c and it will compile in a second or two. Take a look at the files in the terminal by typing in ls -al and youll see a file listing like this: drwxrwxx 2 pi users 4096 Jun 22 22:19 .drwxrwxr-x 3 root users 4096 Jun 22 22:05 ..-rwxr-xr-x 1 pi pi 5163 Jun 22 22:15 hello-rw-rw 1 pi users 78 Jun 22 22:16 hello.c and type in ./hello to execute the compiled program and see Hello World. That completes the first of the programming in C on your Raspberry Pi tutorials. Into games programming in C? Try our free Games programming in C Tutorials.
Monday, October 21, 2019
My Immortal by Evanescence essays
My Immortal by Evanescence essays In the late 1990s, Amy Lee and Ben Moody formed the band Evanescence, after meeting at a Christian Youth Retreat in Arkansas. Evanescence remained a duo until fellow Arkansas natives John LeCompt and Rocky Gray joined the group in 2000. That same year, Evanescence was signed to Wind-Up records, a Christian label based in Nashville Tennessee who also had signed the band Creed the year before. Their first big break was The Daredevil Soundtrack in 2003, a major motion picture with Ben Affleck as a comic book hero, where they submitted two tracks. They gained notoriety with their song My Immortal, written by Amy Lee, which immediately shot to the tops of the charts. Later released on the groups freshman release, Fallen in 2003, My Immortal went Double Platinum as a single and stayed in the Top Ten in the United Kingdom and the United States for over sixteen weeks. It is still getting a lot of airplay on the radio, even a year after its release. ( When I first heard the song My Immortal, I was moved. I originally thought that the song was about a woman who has lost her husband or boyfriend, but found out otherwise. Amy Lee, the lead singer, wrote the song about the death of her younger sister. She died when she was six years old, and the tragedy deeply affected Amy. She has said in interviews that she has been haunted by her sisters ghost ever since. To me, this song meant holding onto a lost love. It expressed every persons fear of losing someone you love, and dealing with the memories that never seem to fade when they are gone. This song makes me remember people that have passed that I loved, and helps me to remember the reasons why I loved them. ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
John Locke Biography
John Locke Biography John Locke was born in 1632 and he passed away in 1704. He was renowned for his argument that the rights to royalty. He was also famous for his anti-authoritarian theory. He challenged every aspect that there is, with regards to authority. Locke states that the way that the government runs the show is not enough and that they take advantage of people as they are in society.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on John Locke Biography specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More He had this theory that natural laws existed served to encourage people to be aware of their rights and not to let their rights be violated by any one in authority. John Locke, who was also widely regarded as the inventor of classical liberalism, was thought of as one of the most known intellectuals of enlightenment. He was an Englishman who had studied medicine (Russell 669). He had several articles that he had written about his social theory. There are quite a number of scholars who were influenced by his writings. These included scholars from all over the world including America and Europe (Solomon 101). There are a number of scholars who were greatly influenced by his writings including Rousseau as well as Voltaire. There are also many Scotsmen who were also taken by his teachings. The main group of individuals who really appreciated the work that was done by John Locke was mainly the academics. The extent with which his writings influenced the world is reflected in various instances such as the United States Declaration of Independence. This is one of the most notable documents in the world. His theory of mind may be considered as the main source of contemporary notions of aspects that may include self as well as identity. These aspects played a major role in the work of theorists like Kant as well as Hume. John Locke was the pioneer in the line of people who defined the self via a permanent state of awareness. He was also the person w ho first stated that the mind was a tabula rasa. He decoded some of the most basic facts that people overlook such as the fact that we are born without ideas that are inherited. Most of his critics thought that he was out of his mind. His political allegations were considered to be based on his religion. Academic believed that he came up with his writings after thinking through them basing his ideas on the religious aspects of his life (Feinberg 504).Advertising Looking for essay on biography? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are quite a lot of things that he derived from his knowledge such as the fact that he was able to decipher or conjure various aspects that no one was able to at the time when he was alive. John Locke managed to put things into a different perspective that saw a change in the way that people viewed the world. This was especially beneficial to people who had other ideas that were still relate d to his in one way or another (Sober 488). It may appear as if he was rebellious, but this may be the point of view of people who really did not want to understand things as they were. Most of these people were stuck in the lives that they lived in and were hardly ready to change their lifestyles. His line of thought was very useful and most people especially the scholars benefitted widely from using and following his teachings. Feinberg, Joel. Reason and Responsibility: Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philosophy. Stamford, Connecticut: Cengage Learning, 2008. Print. Russell, Bertrand. The Problems of Philosophy, Rockville, Maryland: Arc Manor, 2008. Print. Sober, Elliot. Core Questions in Philosophy: A Text with Readings, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2005. Print. Solomon, Robert. Existentialism, Broadway, New York: Modern Library, 1974. Print.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on John Locke Biography specifically for you for only $16 .05 $11/page Learn More
Saturday, October 19, 2019
People Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
People Communication - Essay Example Failure of communication meeting the intended purpose raises suspicion and reactance. Communication takes place due to the assistance of a variety of tools and equipments. Researchers and scholars have plated a vital role in enhancement of communication by development and invention of effective communication tools and strategies. This paper discusses in depth technological change, social construction theories, political economic analysis, and the ideology of technology neutrality (Atkin 3). Change is a remarkable event in everyone’s life. Rapid change in technology has brought diverse effects to individual’s lives. Change comes in succession and is bond to happen in everyone’s life. How an individual approaches the changes in life becomes a question at hand. Changes that arise in an individual’s life may either be social, economically, or politically allied (Chandler). Change may either have optimistic or pessimistic impacts in an individual’s life. Change in technology has diversely altered the way people converse and relay message. Different ways have come up where an individual can have a discussion with another who is miles away. Change in technology entails innovation, invention, and diffusion of technological processes. Technological change aims for better and more effective technology (Cellary and Iyengar 187). In the social world, technology has invented methods of enhancing effective communication.... Researchers argue that new electronic communication media has enabled people interact and collaborate in a contemporary manner. For instance, every kind of technological change requires a little communication and training (Atkin 4). An individual is supposed to change with the changing technology and effectively adapt to it. Researchers depict that the biggest technological change in the society, encompasses communication. Communication is an extensive procedure that involves not only two people but also the society at whole. Language use is a key factor to effective communication. Therefore, it is necessary for individuals to strategize on the kind of language to use when conveying message (Birkinbine). Change in technology has greatly influenced the way people converse. Communication devices have changed immensely over centuries thus leading to the invention of mobile technology. The mobile technology has over time varied from a simple pre-paid hand phone to a small thin laptop. Mo bile technology refers to various types of cellular communication technology devices. These devices include palmtop computers, net-book computers, smart phones, global positioning devices, and wireless debit or credit cards. Mobile technology has portrayed a wide range of first modern infrastructure in the society. The use of mobile technology has boomed over years. In most cases, the level of technology in any kind of communication devices, determines whether to purchase or buy the device. Arguably, mobile technology has been a force that clears away barriers, promotes inclusiveness, and opens opportunities to all those who would otherwise not partake in the digital cost-cutting measures (Chandler). As communication technologies
Friday, October 18, 2019
Wireless Network Active Attacks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Wireless Network Active Attacks - Essay Example The best solution to this problem is RF proofing the nearby atmosphere. The use of Wireless technologies is increasing rapidly and Wireless technology is much admired. So companies are exchanging their usual wired networks with wireless - even for non-mobile functions. There have been several warnings from security advisors regarding wireless protocols, Especially for WEP, being disgustingly insecure. Unauthorized access to wireless network can occur from different ways for example, when a user turns on a computer and it latches on to a wireless admittance point from a neighboring company’s overlapping network, the user may not even know that this has occurred. But, it is a security violate in that proprietary company information is exposed and now there could exist a link from one company to the other. A denial-of-service attack is an effort to make computer resources unavailable to its intended users. It is the malicious efforts of a persons or number of persons to stop a web site or service from carrying out proficiently or at all. One general way of attack involves saturating the target machine with external communications requests, such that it cannot react to legitimate traffic, or responds so slowly as to be rendered effectively unavailable. It normally slows down the network performance. For example speed of opening files and closing files slow down. System will also be unable to access any web site. The bandwidth of a router linking the Internet and a local area network may be consumed by DoS. There are also other types of attack that may include a denial of service as a module, but the denial of service may be a part of a larger attack. Illegal utilization of resources may also result in denial of service. For instance, an interloper can use someone’s secret ftp ar ea as a place to store illegal copies of commercial software, overwhelming disk space and generating network
Psychology of Performance research about my next project Term Paper
Psychology of Performance research about my next project - Term Paper Example After long wanderings Charles returns to the coop just to learn painful truth- dead chickens were infected with bird flu and were killed by the elder and the cow to prevent contamination. Emma knew everything and also wanted to save the lives in the coop. Charles becomes involved into a process of birds â€Å"saving†by killing those which caught the flu but fails to kill his friend Marcy. Finally all chickens and hens die because of the virus and Charles finds out that he has become a main killer himself. The genre can be characterized as adult animation because the scenario is written mostly for the audience older than at least 16-18 year olds. The animation is surreal and mock with main heroes acting like people in the similar to criminal world situations. Obviously, the film incorporates a big quantity of violence and has a plot that is a bit difficult to follow for younger audience. Some details are intentionally shown with attention to injuries and aggression. The film, however, has adult sarcasm which can be understood by the auditory with good sense of humor. The animation also explores some adult social and philosophical issues with major hero dealing with the difficult choice. The audience might mostly consist of men probably because the animation does not have many female characters and any typical attractions for women such as romantic story. The only â€Å"woman†in a film also does not have a good reputation which shows that the world described is a â€Å"men`s world†. However, Emma, the only hen, is shown as brave, loyal, and decisive who can be appreciated by more women nowadays. As the animation is full of scenes of aggression and risky behaviors the film must evoke anxiety in audience first of all. However, taking into account that it is still looks a bit ironical to observe hens and chickens acting like criminals, this emotion can be mixed with amusement and irony. In some cases the
Beyond the Multi-Ethnic Metropolis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Beyond the Multi-Ethnic Metropolis - Assignment Example Minority ethnic people in the district are more likely to be living in overcrowded accommodation than white British residents. Overcrowding was a particularly common problem among the Bangladeshi, Chinese and Pakistani population. Commonly reported problems included damp and condensation, ineffective heating systems, poor insulation around doors and windows, hazardous environments such as broken doors and windows, inadequate or malfunctioning amenities and poor quality repairs and maintenance (p556.) Identifying the purpose of the research: In the United States, substantial consideration has been given to the association of place of residence with economic disadvantage. This fact has added to understand polarization there. More recently, de Souza Briggs (2007) has pointed out that changes in settlements reflect the changing geography of race and opportunity (550). With this view, the study is conducted basically to explore the neglected housing experiences of minority ethnic people in small-town England. To discuss this aspect two key points are asserted. First, that minority ethnic people living in small towns bump into many of the same housing inequalities as their counterparts in metropolitan England. Second, that small town England presents a series of unique challenges demanding distinct responses not answered by the existing evidence base. This paper emphasizes that place plays an important role in deciding minority settlement patterns but very few studies have made effort to these to the place (549). Research and policy look for multiethnic metropolis for the specific social, cultural, political, economic and material situation while the rural and small-town England is overlooked.T hough such a need arises as Countryside Agency reported that by 2001 nearly 600 000 minority ethnic people were recorded as living in the 184 rural districts of England accounting for 4.3 percent of the total population in these areas (551).
Thursday, October 17, 2019
American History between 1820-1920 Research Paper
American History between 1820-1920 - Research Paper Example The paper shall analyze aspects related to art and culture, business and economy, books and literature and immigration and migration (Barney). 1820-1830: This decade holds immense significance because it marked the start of a new era in politics. It was the decade of growth as a country and progress in politics. The decade saw the formation of the democratic and the national republican parties. Furthermore, it was also famous for being the time when the first woman was nominated for the presidency. There was progress in fields of art, literature, and the economy during this period as well. Economic and Business Activities: The federal land law was passed in 1820, which led to expansion into new territories as settlers could now purchase 80 acres of land for $1.25/acre. Enormous advancements in trade routes including rail lines and river routes helped the expansion of trade and commerce between new territories and established communities. The decade also saw the growth of gateway citi es such as Cincinnati, New Orleans, and Chicago providing urban markets that tied the new territories to the Atlantic states. Art and Architecture: The 1820s saw the starting of the revival of the American Greek style and federal style of art. The statue of George Washington was sculptured by an Italian named Antonio Canova. The widespread demand for portraiture helped sustain American art. The wealthy valued portraits and spent sums of money on them. Some of the beneficiaries of this spending spree included Gilbert Stuart and Thomas Sully (Barney). Books and Literature: Irving and Cooper were the most revered literary individuals of the decade. The readers grew in pride during the decade, which was a major reason why Cooper’s literature became popular. A good illustration of the love affair for that form of literature is the novel American Hero which sets America as an individual country, culturally different from England. The romantic treatment of Indians was another famous and loved literary theme of the decade (Jones). Immigration and Migration: The province of Tejas in Mexico saw the formation of the first Anglo American settlement in the aftermath of the panic of 1819. The federal government began the practice of collecting statistics of immigration by 1820 and estimates suggest that 151,000 new residents entered the United States during this decade. The majority of these residents hailed from the British Isles followed by individuals from Germany. The surge in foreign born residents had an impact on American politics. The democrats, who were considered to be friendly towards immigrants, gained an upper hand with the same (Jones). 1830-1840: This decade saw the passing of laws that granted married women the right to own property. Books of immense prominence and legacy were printed, included Book of Mormon and Nature. Texas gained independence from Mexico and several other events occurred that made this decade one of immense importance in Americaâ €™s History (Rozek). Arts and Architecture: The Hudson River artists continued to grow. These artists included Thomas Cole, George Innes and Thomas Doughty. The fancy chairs also emerged as 8200 American makers created fancy chairs in Robert Adam, Sheraton, Directoire and Empire styles. The decade also saw the inception of the idea of the Grace Church by James Renwick (Athearn). Economy and Business: The steamboats were introduced during the decade as goods travelling to the west of St. Louis were
Concept of courage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Concept of courage - Essay Example Fear is a prerequisite for courage. Fear is the consequence of an insight of vulnerability, which is recognized by the accurate or inaccurate assessment or estimation of a threat as outweighing the individual resources. The only validated scale used to calculate courage was of late produced by Schmidt and Koselka in a cognitive therapy research. The Courage measuring Scale used in this study was constructed 7-item scale. The first three items used were to assess the broad-spectrum of courage, while the last four items assessing panic-specific courage. The scales do not illustrate the number of situational domains, and the third item on the three-item scale questions participants if they are fearless. Despite the fear being said to be a precondition for courage, it is rated to be in a positive direction as other items that result in two high scores. One indicating courage and the other indicating a general absence of fear. Many analysis and correlations were used to see the sights of the relationships among courage, toughness, and physical illness. Hardiness or toughness was not found to be a considerable analyst of physical illness for the participants’ Hardiness was found to be a weak predictor of physical illness for men. There are no other variables in this study that were found to be an important predictor of physical illness, and the variations of the courage scores did not enhance the relationship between hardiness and physical illness when variance accounted for by gender was controlled.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Beyond the Multi-Ethnic Metropolis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Beyond the Multi-Ethnic Metropolis - Assignment Example Minority ethnic people in the district are more likely to be living in overcrowded accommodation than white British residents. Overcrowding was a particularly common problem among the Bangladeshi, Chinese and Pakistani population. Commonly reported problems included damp and condensation, ineffective heating systems, poor insulation around doors and windows, hazardous environments such as broken doors and windows, inadequate or malfunctioning amenities and poor quality repairs and maintenance (p556.) Identifying the purpose of the research: In the United States, substantial consideration has been given to the association of place of residence with economic disadvantage. This fact has added to understand polarization there. More recently, de Souza Briggs (2007) has pointed out that changes in settlements reflect the changing geography of race and opportunity (550). With this view, the study is conducted basically to explore the neglected housing experiences of minority ethnic people in small-town England. To discuss this aspect two key points are asserted. First, that minority ethnic people living in small towns bump into many of the same housing inequalities as their counterparts in metropolitan England. Second, that small town England presents a series of unique challenges demanding distinct responses not answered by the existing evidence base. This paper emphasizes that place plays an important role in deciding minority settlement patterns but very few studies have made effort to these to the place (549). Research and policy look for multiethnic metropolis for the specific social, cultural, political, economic and material situation while the rural and small-town England is overlooked.T hough such a need arises as Countryside Agency reported that by 2001 nearly 600 000 minority ethnic people were recorded as living in the 184 rural districts of England accounting for 4.3 percent of the total population in these areas (551).
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Concept of courage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Concept of courage - Essay Example Fear is a prerequisite for courage. Fear is the consequence of an insight of vulnerability, which is recognized by the accurate or inaccurate assessment or estimation of a threat as outweighing the individual resources. The only validated scale used to calculate courage was of late produced by Schmidt and Koselka in a cognitive therapy research. The Courage measuring Scale used in this study was constructed 7-item scale. The first three items used were to assess the broad-spectrum of courage, while the last four items assessing panic-specific courage. The scales do not illustrate the number of situational domains, and the third item on the three-item scale questions participants if they are fearless. Despite the fear being said to be a precondition for courage, it is rated to be in a positive direction as other items that result in two high scores. One indicating courage and the other indicating a general absence of fear. Many analysis and correlations were used to see the sights of the relationships among courage, toughness, and physical illness. Hardiness or toughness was not found to be a considerable analyst of physical illness for the participants’ Hardiness was found to be a weak predictor of physical illness for men. There are no other variables in this study that were found to be an important predictor of physical illness, and the variations of the courage scores did not enhance the relationship between hardiness and physical illness when variance accounted for by gender was controlled.
Psychology - Biological Explanation of Eating Disorders Essay Example for Free
Psychology Biological Explanation of Eating Disorders Essay The biological approach suggests that AN is due a physical cause, suggesting it could be due to something within the body or brain; such as hypothalamus dysfunction or an imbalance of neurotransmitters. The hypothalamus dysfunction theory would suggest that animals have a â€Å"set weight†which is correct for their body, if this weight should increase or decrease then the body should make adjustments to regulate food intake to their â€Å"set weight†. The hypothalamus is thought to have quite a lot of control over our eating behaviour, the lateral hypothalamus (LH) is considered to be the feeding switch that makes an individual begin to feed whereas the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) is the satiety switch that makes an individual stop feeding. Garfinkel and Gardner (1982) suggested that a disturbed hypothalamus may be the cause of AN, they proposed that any disturbance could lead to either the LH or VMH to be constantly activated. In order to explain AN it is most likely that when the LH is damaged and that the individual never receives a signal (feeling hungry) to begin feeding, if the VMH were damaged then the individual would receive a constant signal to eat so they would never stop feeding. This supports the idea that AN might have a biological explanation, specifically brain dysfunction. Anand and Brobeck conducted an experiment involving the rats, they found that if the LH was damaged it could lead to aphagia (this is a failure to eat when hungry), this provides support for the idea that damage to the hypothalamus can lead to reduced eating which is support for the biological approach of AN. However, there are some concerns with this as the test was conducted with the use of animals so it’s hard to generalise the findings to humans. This is because humans and animals are biologically different so it’s hard to know if humans would respond in the same way if their LH was damaged. Additional research has shown us that when the VMH in rats is stimulated that it stops feeding, which again supports the suggestion that possible over activation of the VMH could result in reduced feeding. This research would also support the biological explanation of AN as if an individual has damage to their hypothalamus then it could result in reduced feeding which would then result in dramatic weight loss, as seen in sufferers of AN. However, this theory is reductionist as it suggests that the only explanation of AN is a biological reason, and it ignores other factors; like things such as stress or sexual abuse which can both lead to AN. Another biological explanation of AN would be that there is an imbalance of serotonin, which is usually associated with depression and anxiety; as disturbed levels of serotonin have been found in AN sufferers. It is also likely that eating disorders arise due to high levels of anxiety which is linked with high levels of serotonin in the body. Bailer et al (1970) compared serotonin activity in recovering anorexia suffers and healthy controls. They found significantly higher activity in the women that were recovering from anorexia, the highest levels found in those women with the highest anxiety levels. This also provides support for AN having a biological cause, in this case an imbalance of neurotransmitters. However, it’s difficult to establish cause and effect in Bailer’s research, this is because the women studied were already recovering from an eating disorder and so it’s impossible to know whether the imbalance of serotonin was the cause of the women’s AN or whether the AN causes an imbalance of serotonin, so it’s hard to know whether or not there is a biological cause of AN with these findings. In addition to this the research is also gender biased, in this case it’s alpha biased as only women were used in this study but it’s generalising the study to men as well. Bailer’s research also raises the debate of determinism will. The biological approach is deterministic so if an individual has an imbalance of serotonin they will then develop an eating disorder, however this is ignoring our free will as an individual that exercises regularly will over their eating; this is noted in individuals who suffer from anxiety but don’t develop AN. Finally there is the evolutionary approach which suggests that all our behaviours are adaptive, which means that the reason we do certain things is to help us survive in a certain way; according to this theory AN is a behaviour which helps them survive. The evolutionary approach focuses on our ancestors, when weight loss and eating disorders weren’t a consideration and any weight loss would be a lack of food rather than a desire for â€Å"thinness†. Usually when an individual begins to love weight physiological mechanisms activate in order to conserve energy and increase desires for food, however it would not have been adaptive for our ancestors to feel hunger as there may not have been much food available to them, so instead it would be adaptive to â€Å"switch off†the desire so that they could then find food; in order to help our survival. Therefore many characteristics of AN can be considered adaptive to enable our ancestors to move to areas where there was more food rather than being preoccupied by looking for food in their current location. However, this theory doesn’t explain the differences of AN between genders, as girls are more affected by AN than boys; so if the behaviour was adapted then both men and women would be equally effected by this as both genders would have had to search for more food in other areas. An alternative approach to explaining how AN would come from the behaviour approach, which suggests AN is the result of learning rather than a biological explanation. This approach suggests that individuals suffer from AN because of reinforcement, so they have witnessed slim people (who become their role models) being rewarded for their behaviour so they imitate their behaviour in expectation of the same reward.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Brazilian Immigration To United States History Essay
Brazilian Immigration To United States History Essay It is estimated that eleven to fifteen million fresh immigrants arrived in the U.S. between the year 1990 and 2000 and were integrated into to the U.S. workforce. This when compared with any time in history, is a high level of immigration, more than the previous Great Wave. In the previous ten years, people born outside the US comprised 41.4% of the growth in U.S. inhabitants. More than 50 percent of the growth in the countrys civilian workforce can be pointed to new overseas immigrants. New overseas immigrants are younger, less learned, more probable working in the private sector as wage and salary workers, and over-represented in many industrial sectors, than the indigenous labor force.10. According to Brazilian government numbers, there are more than 1.5 million Brazilians living out of the country. America is the main point of entry: about, 700,000 Brazilians lived in the U.S in 1997. The highest concentration was New York followed by Massachusetts and Florida respectively (Heloi sa 10). In the past there were many immigrants in Brazil, they came from all over the world. For instance, in the 1960s, there was a surge of immigrants to Brazil. However things have now changed and it is the Brazilians immigrating to Europe, the US and Asia. Statistics show that at least a million Brazilians have immigrated to other countries in the past decade; this is due to the economic problems Brazil is facing and people are in pursuit of a good life. Another reason for Brazilians immigration is the 1964 coup dà ©tat of, thousands of people opposed to the military regime at the time were forced into exile for fear of persecution. In 1979 the Brazilian government offered amnesty to the political exiles. Majority of these exiles came back to Brazil after the amnesty, but the figures of economic emigrants increased in the 1980s; especially true after the oil crisis and the military governments financial mismanagement in 1979.  By 1987 about 250,000 Brazilians were outside the country . Ever since, emigration has gone up at a rate of 20% annually. In early 1969 the Banco do Brasil opened a branch in New York City.  Later that year the Brazilian-American chamber of Commerce was started to support investment and trade between the US and Brazil (Davis p. 10). There have been no official statistics about Brazilian emigrants since 1991. What is known is that  there were 436,177 passports issued by the Federal Police in 1993(the figures have since then gone higher). There are no statistics to show how many Brazilians have emigrated but a majority of Brazilians in the US were born in Brazil. Evidence from Brazilian Geography and Statistics Institute (IBGE) shows that over a million Brazilians between the ages of 20 to 44 from the 1991 census were missing The statistical absence of this age bracket was explained logically by Brazilian emigration (Alejandro p. 14). Brazilians in the East Coast: The Unseen Minority that Everybody Sees Possibly, nearly half of the Brazilians living outside Brazil reside in the United States. The biggest Brazilian community is found on the East Coast. New York is estimated to have almost 70,000 to 160,000 Brazilian emigrants. A further 140,000 are thought to live in Boston, 70,000 in Florida), 30,000 in California, 40,000 in Houston, Texas, and another 15,000 in Washington, DC. According to the Center for Immigration Studies in New York, more than half of the Brazilians who moved to the US already have friends or a member of family in the U.S. with whom they live with after they land in U.S. Nearly a quarter of the immigrants do not plan on going back to Brazil. An American anthropologist by the name Maxine Margolis, took three years analyzing the Brazilian neighborhood in New York examining more than 30 Brazilian immigrants better known by the tag Brazucas. She circulated her work as the book Little Brazil (1994).  She established that majority of the Brazilians she examined were feeling shame to be immigrants with almost 80% answering that they were not immigrants, but only passing through.  Margolis found out that most of the Brazilians in the US are from middle-class households and that the Immigrants shield themselves from dissatisfaction by believing that theyre doing these jobs only for a year or two, that its a short-term situation. In spite of what people think, most Brazilian migrants arrive in US with money and links to live for a short while before getting employed, Gino Agostinelli, of the Center for Immigration Studies, has informed the Sao Paulo newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo. They dont seem to be desperate individuals, but persons with substantial amounts of money who want to explore a different way of living. Almost 60% of Brazilian citizens, who move to the US ordinarily find employment within three weeks on landing on US soil. Initially, majority of them search for employment in the same line of work in which they were employed in Brazil mainly because this is one of the straightforward ways of obtaining a green card, the lasting resident visa for foreigners living in the US. On the other hand, nearly 75% of Brazilians residing in the US are illegitimate immigrants.  (With such a number of illegal immigrants in the US, I can presume that the state unofficially needs the immigrants, legal or illegal. I have a few of my friends who are illegal Brazilian Immigrants, in the course of my research I talked with a few of them to get more insight on the issue of Brazil Immigrants in the US. I asked one of them if he would like to have any knowledge or information on the immigration service and he said it was of no importance to him, because they (the illegal immigrants) dont really have t o be troubled about the immigration service.  He further told me that there is always a way to escape the immigration rules.  Another one of the illegal immigrants that I interviewed told me that he was once caught and thrown out of US and he had just come back but this time he had changed his name and come through Mexico which borders the US or and even others even use some other way to get back which he did not disclose to me. A very high percent of illegal immigrants do some odd menial jobs and earn the minimum wage of between $1000 and $2000 a month. This means that a majority of the Brazilians in the US fall in that bracket. In fact only about 4% of Brazilians living in New York earn more than that; about $3000 a month. Most of the Brazilians do the same menial jobs they did while they were in Brazil. It is in fact very sad to note that even the immigrants that have had a descent college education still work as housekeepers, maids, nannies and cooks. This is especially very common for Brazilian women immigrants. As for men only about 4% even have an elementary education and therefore most of them work as laborers or as construction workers among other menial jobs (Research Division for the Office of New Bostonians). The Brazilian community in New York has a great number of men working as shoe shiners and women working as go-go dancers. Brazilians are in fact stereotyped in this two professions and therefore out of the immigrants consider such jobs shameful. Another thing that bothers the Brazilians immigrants is that they cannot make a mark in their adopted countries as most of them work for long hours. As a result most of them are grouped as Hispanics by the Americans. An interesting trend of Brazilian immigrants in Massachusetts is that a survey by Martes of 300 Brazilians in 1996 showed that there was an increase of families immigrated as opposed to single males in the past. About 48% of the immigrants were married and 52% came along with all their children to Massachusetts. Of all the participants of the survey twelve percent had college education, thirty one percent had a high school diploma, 12% had some college, and 16% had no college education. The reasons for migration were same as those of other immigrants tht is, continuous economic crisis as well as with violence in town areas in the early and mid-nineties to also propel the upper-middle class families to leave Brazil and open businesses. I had previously talked to an immigrant who told me that he moved to the US because of disappointment at work in Brazil. He said that he had a high skilled job but the business collapsed and his wages decreased to very low levels. Others said that they came to the US to make more money, save it and buy property in Brazil. Different Brazilians had different reasons but I thought that Kaka summarized it all I came here thinking that life was easy and I would make more money and hoping to go back to Brazil and never want to be employed. In other word they all came to chase the American dream and get back to their country and only to realize that that was just an illusion. There was a sharp contrast of the population of the Brazilians in the US from two census conducted. The most logical explanation was that neither the 2000 nor 1990 census mentioned Brazil as a country of choice and therefore most of them chose to identify themselves as Hispanics or white for fear of deportation after filling the Census forms. Another school of thought was that most of them lived in overcrowded houses and therefore lied about the sizes of their families in order to avoid prosecution. Lastly, Brazilians do not like to be classified as Hispanics unless they understand the classification process of race and ethnicity (Davis p.12). While the reasons for this census disparity may be arguable, the mystery is still there. What is the number of Brazilians living in America? Brazilians continue to flock US and most of them are undocumented. The fear of deportation is widespread among immigrant communities and therefore stops them from participating in survey research by the government or any other entity. There are many Brazilians in Massachusetts and the reason for them to go there is varied. Interviews conducted in Lowell show that most of them get there as a result of family ties, friends. These contacts with others in Brazil make them choose Massachusetts as a city to settle. Some interviewees offered an explanation that they get a place to stay before they move on to other places but end up settling there. Also, some Brazilians live in Massachusetts because they believe that the state provides ample public services, such as health insurance and public schools to immigrants. Racial and Ethnic Identity of Brazilian Immigrants Salgado (2) observed that Significant as it is to comprehend how U.S racial and ethnic pecking order, family members, and principles have an effect on migrants, rearrangement of racial and ethnic uniqueness in the United States must be connected with the racial and cultural occurrences immigrants came across in their countries of birth. Based on my study and discussions with a good number of Brazilian immigrants in Massachusetts, their perception tends to change depending on the life they are exposed to. The replacement of nationality over race is constantly present in Brazilian immigrants narratives of self description. This preference to define oneself nationally rather than ethnically is entrenched in major beliefs. First, the majority of immigrants, mainly those who dont have a full racial or ethnic awareness, are more likely to confuse these three terms. Second, race interactions in Brazil have habitually been ignored specifically because racial matter were presumably determined by a genial joining during colonization and afterwards highlighted by the following belief of racial democracy. Concluding thoughts A future evaluation of the Brazilian Immigrant Community Forecasting what will occur to the Brazilian Immigrant Community in the days to come is a complex and extremely doubtful process. Nevertheless, there are basically two critical issues that will form this immigrant population progress for generations to come. Firstly, Brazilian immigrants, like majority of other immigrant units, come to US with willpower to be successful. With that appear fresh new thoughts that can lead to an industrial drive. Specifically, many Brazilians migrate when they are young, with the clear mission of working, regularly with a fairly high level of education. Occasionally the migrant can converse in English. In addition, Furthermore, currently, Brazilians often feel relatively calm and relaxed in the region, observing that they frequently are seen in better terms by Americans compared to other immigrant groups (Maxine p. 5). Secondly, the Brazilian immigrant community may underrate the obstacles that they may encounter in the years to come. Immigration rank, usually thought to be the primary obstacle that Brazilian immigrants encounter, is only one of many stumbling blocks that Brazilians will have to meet. In fact, even US Census data shows that Brazilians in Boston MA, have not only a depleted percentage of the inhabitants with a middleclass standard of living when put side to side with the native and foreign born residents, but they also have a slightly higher percentage of the inhabitants lacking a high school diploma.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Alternative Methods of Pain Relief :: Biology Essays Research Papers
"Oww! &%$%!" Pathways of Pain and Alternative Methods of Pain Relief Have you ever wondered why when you stub your toe on the chair in the living room, it helps tremendously to yell out an expletive or two and vigorously rub the area? I may not be able to discuss the basis for such language in this paper, but we will explore the analgesic response to rubbing that toe, in addition to the mechanism of pain and alternative treatments such as acupuncture and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. In the two previous papers for this class I have chosen to focus upon the inherent power of the brain in relation to healing. Studies of the placebo effect and psychoneuroimmunology have helped us gain insight into the nervous system's relationship with the immune system, the endocrine system, and others. Alternative therapies such as hypnosis, relaxation/ meditation, and humor have been discussed in association with this relationship. I feel that my exploration of the brain and alternative healing would not be complete without an investigation of the processing of pain and the role of acupuncture and touch in pain relief. What exactly is pain? According to Webster's dictionary, pain is "physical suffering typically from injury or illness; a distressing sensation in a part of the body; severe mental or emotional distress". Most everyone reading this paper has experienced some form of physical pain at some point during their lives; most everyone has even experienced the common daily pains such as stubbing our toe as we walk through the living room, accidentally biting our tongue as we chew, and having the afternoon headache after a long day of work. No matter the fact that it is unpleasant, pain has a very important role in telling the body that something is not right and leading to behavior that will remove the body from a source of potential injury. Imagine if we could not experience pain. We would not be able to change our behavior in any way when touching the burning hot dish in the oven, resulting in potentially serious burns. We could not recognize that perhaps we twisted an ankle when walking dow n the stairs, thus continued walking on that foot would exacerbate the injury to the point of not being able to walk at all. Indeed, pain is not pleasant, but in many cases it is an important way for our nervous system to learn from and react to the environment.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Science and Religion Essay -- History, Witchcraft, Magic
Humans do not engage the world in a neutral way. Instead, we see world through the reality that our culture creates. Without culture, humanity would have to continuously reinvent the wheel, perhaps even literally. It casts a web of reality over us that is inescapable. We are constantly in the grip of our culture. Therefore, it isn’t surprising to find societies with cultures which differ greatly from ours who come to very different conclusions about what reality is. When we are confronted with these differences in world views, we are often quick and confident to assert that our way of life is superior to others. This is behavior isn’t unique to tribes indigenous to foreign lands who believe in so-called â€Å"primitive†religions. It is even true of the Western world’s modern science. Science is another example of the cultural frameworks we use to understand the world around us. If this is the case, then science too must be part of a web of reality created by our culture, and is therefore not superior (nor inferior) to religion, but rather runs parallel to it. However, the Western mind generally recoils from the idea that science does anything but describe reality in hard, empirical detail. As mentioned, since these cultural frameworks envelope us, we often to not regard them as socially negotiated ways of engaging the world, but rather as absolute and unquestioned reality. The same is true of both religion and science. The unquestioned nature of this cultural framework was described by anthropologist Evans-Pritchard in his seminal work, Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande. In this ethnography, Evans-Pritchard examines how completely encompassing the Azande tradition of magic and witchcraft is to the people.... ...thin the same process. In this way, science seems superior to other methods of engaging the world. However, as we have seen, science has its limitations in describing certain categories of knowledge. It cannot be used to make ethical judgements or learn an ultimate truth. Such areas are outside its scope. In this way, magic and religion provide answers which science cannot. So science is not necessarily superior to religion and magic, neither is it inferior to it. It is another way of engaging the world, one which answers a different set of questions and solves a different set of problems from magic and religion. So long as a cultural framework benefits the society which implements it, it is useful. Furthermore, when these cultural frameworks are as deeply intertwined with everyday reality as is the case with the Azande’s witchcraft, they become necessary.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Gordon Bennett Essay
The following contemporary artists both represent their works in a post-modern frame. Post-modern can include irony and paradox, appropriation and pastiche and intersexuality. Gordon Bennett and Fiona Hall fit into one of these categories. Bennett’s painting Outsider, Oil and acrylic on canvas, 1988 is a violent painting using appropriation of Vincent Van Gogh’s artwork, and the treatment of aboriginals in today’s society. Fiona Hall’s sculpture of the Nelumbo nucisera, lotus, elum, thamarei, aluminium and steel, 1999 is made up of a sardine tin rolled down revealing a bare stomach, and plant leaves. Bennett’s work can be seen as post-modern as Bennett takes Van Gogh’s famous images and recreates them in his own manner. Bennett’s painting Outsider, is a violent painting using appropriation of Vincent Van Gogh’s artwork Vincent’s Bedroom in Arles, 1888 and Starry Night, 1889, and the treatment of aboriginals in today’s society. He fits into the category of appropriation where he uses another’s work in a new context, with the intention of altering its meaning. He seizes copies and replaces the original imagery of Gough, by interpreting it in his own way. He uses cultural aspects of aboriginal art and is in search for meaning and identity. Bennett identifies with the world through people, events and issues involving the aboriginal people. His work is political about both Aboriginal and European-Australian history. It helps him and his people to redress the disparity between the two cultures. Many of his views about Aboriginal culture have been understandably formulated from a European perspective. His shocking, violent and traumatic work was painted while Bennett was still at art school. The painting raises many issues from Aboriginal deaths in custody to Bennett’s feeling of isolation. Frustration is also evident with the suggestion that it can lead people to suicide or self-mutilation, as in the case of both Van Gogh and the figure in the picture. The Aboriginal figure complete with ceremonial paint is frustrated and confused, that his head explodes, with blood whirling into Van Gogh’s turbulent sky. The classical heads with eyes closed, may relate to Europe, or the famous Greek marbled heads, blind to the consequences of its actions and unwilling to acknowledge the blood on its hands. They are humming or dreaming to block out the exploding head. Bennett figuratively displays his own dilemma of violently contested genealogies. The hands on the figure reach towards or draw away from the closed eyed heads on the bed. The red hands on the wall represent the hands of the ‘white’ people. It may suggest that the ‘white’ people are caught red handed by the way they react to the mutilated figure. The red in the painting is strong and contrasting with the other natural tones; the same red is taken from the bed cover, and used in the handprints on the wall and the blood on the wrists and neck of the figure. The window seems to be a window to the dark swirls of the night, which may represent death. The figure’s head is almost exploding into the dark metaphysical zone, here drawn from Starry Night. For Van Gogh the starry night was a forbidding of death and return to an ultimate peace for which he longed. Bennet seems to deliberately take on this same theme. The dots, dashes and roundels in Bennett’s starry night may suggest Western Desert Aboriginal paintings.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Livoria deliver enjoyable experience to vacationers 2. Livoria is socially responsible that always exceeds environmental and safety regulations 3. Crew members , vacationers and marine life are safe during the journey 4. The services on cruise are high quality but affordable Leveraging (S-O Strategies) Livoria's strong brand in safety can take advantage of the growth in tourism industry and strengthen economy in Canada. After acquiring Natural Splendour, Livoria can offer mix of products that can satisfy both vacationers who value for price and for special amenities.The steady growth in revenue and income has developed a strong financial fundamental for Livoria to expand the business in Canada. Constraints (W-O Strategies) Ineffective and inefficient promotion strategies become constraints for Livorla to get full benefit of strong demand in cruise. Because of the lack of web-based booking system, Livoria only can rely on Sales agent for booking. This not only cause Livoria to miss th e opportunity to capture Saleslers who prefer booking online, but also increases the passenger acquisition cost. Even worst, Livoria attracts younger people ho less willing to spend on cruises.Vulnerability (S-T Strategies) As Livoria is known as outstanding safety among competitors, It can give confident to vacationers that the probability of on-board outbreak of disease In the cruise Is minimal. Its unique services such as whale watching and ports of call can serve a niche market In cruise Industry. This allows Llvorla to compete with large brand operators in the market. Problem (W-T Strategies) Canadian market Is relatively small for cruise Industry and the Industry Is already dominated by large cruise ships and large brand operators. The competitive force among rivals Is very Intense..The accident of Sandwich causes Llvorla over 3 Millions repair cost. In the future, Sandwich will still potentially harm Llvorla's financial stability as Its damage Insurance coverage Is Ilmlted. L lvorla's high operation cost and Ineffective marketing strategies can drive It out of the business easily. Issue Terrorist attack Is a severer external threat for Llvorla. Base on the effects of the past terrorist attacks, Llvorla's revenue Is expected to drop around 35% In 2011. Fortunately, the effect should only last for a year. In addltlon, the accident ofSandwich will Increase the repair cost for Llvorla In 2011. Comblnlng with the affect Llvorla's financial health. If management does not have contingency plan, Llvorla Is expected to have 32. 4M record losses In 2011. Current financial situation In 2010 fiscal year, Llvorla performed better than planned. Total passenger was almost 2% more than planned. Revenue was 6. 6% more than budgeted, so was net Income 15. 7%. (Appendix 2) Given the terrorist attack Incident and 6 Millions repair cos n 2011, solvency ana llqu101ty 0T Llvorla are Delng concerned. I ne current long term debt to equity is 1. which implies that Livoria has ris k of overleveraging. Fortunately, Income before tax and interest is 6. 43 times interest expense and current asset is 1. 75 times current liability. Moreover, Livoria has over 10 Million cash and marketable securities which is enough to pay off repair cost and interest expense next year. This conclude that the solvency and liquidity of Livoria is not an issue. Comparing over the course of 4 years, Livoria recorded increase in revenue, expense and net income. However, in 2010 fiscal year, the annually growth rate of revenue is lower compare to 2009 (13% vs. 31%).This also causes the annually growth rate of net income drop from 67% in 2009 to 33% in 2010. Given both cruises, Sandwich and natural Splendour were operating at more than 90% capacity, even there was no terrorist attack incident, Livoria would not have impressive growth in number of passengers in the near future. Assumptions: 1) Direct material, credit card and Sales agent commission is variable to revenue. Thus, if revenue drops 35%, so does these variable costs. 2) Dry dock revenue stays the same as maintenance works should be performed no matter good or bad season. 3) Livoria can book 2.M in capital gain by selling the dry dock 4) All maintenance, refurbishment and repair for Sandwich can be finished before the beginning of May next year. Thus, Sandwich can service in 2011 cruise season 5) Termination cost for all kinds of labour are also $6,000 each 6) Training cost for unskilled labours is $1,000 each. Alternative: 1) Divesting the Fraser dry dock. Pro: During the economic downturn, it is wise to spin off non-core business, so that company can focus its limited resources to improve its core business. Dry dock business is non-core business for Livoria. It only contributed 8. of company's total revenue in 2010. If removing inter-division transaction and associated direct material cost, dry dock actually reported 667 thousands loss. Con: Selling price for dry dock is only 4. 3 Million which is not e nough to cover the estimated repair cost for Sandwich in 2011. Later on, Livoria has to spend two Million on refurbishment every year. More importantly, reputation for safety is core competency of Livoria. Livoria is relying this to stay competitive in the market. Livoria can no longer ensure maintenance works are well performed and exceed regulation standards if it contracts the maintenance ork out.The effects on project 2011 net income for divesting dry dock; Divesting dry dock will worse off than status quo. 2) Target more profitable market segment Base on customer survey conducted in 2010, Annual family income of our customers is $72 thousand vs. $78 thousand in the industry. It is mainly because we have more customers who under 40 years old than the industry (40% vs. 29%). The revenue per passengers per day for this group is only $209 vs. $334 for 40 to 60 years old group. In aaaltlon, we naa OITTlcult to attract repeat customers. I nere was only customers were repeated vs. % i n the industry. Each repeat customer can generate $2000 vs. $1800 from first timer. The effects on project 2011 net income for aligning customer mix to industry average: Net Income before tax (691. 15) 3) Hire unskilled crew and hospitality from underdeveloped countries. Pro: It is a W-T strategy that prevents firm's weakness from intense competition in the industry. Because of registering in Canada, Livoria has higher operating costs than competitors. By hiring employees in underdeveloped which commonly practice in all kinds of businesses, Livoria can lower its labour cost by 30%.It is critical for Livoria to stay competitive in the industry. Con: Experienced crew is rare and invaluable. By swapping all experienced crew by unskilled labour, Livoria may risk losing its core competency – reputation of safety. Moreover, this may also affect our quality of service. Superior service is also critical to survive in the industry as well. Furthermore, termination and training costs c an offset the benefits of labour cost saving. The effects on project 2011 net income for hiring unskilled labour Net Income before tax. Livoria Key Success Factors 1. Livoria deliver enjoyable experience to vacationers 2. Livoria is socially responsible that always exceeds environmental and safety regulations 3. Crew members , vacationers and marine life are safe during the journey 4. The services on cruise are high quality but affordable Leveraging (S-O Strategies)Livoria’s strong brand in safety can take advantage of the growth in tourism industry and strengthen economy in Canada. After acquiring Natural Splendour, Livoria can offer mix of products that can satisfy both vacationers who value for price and for special amenities. The steady growth in revenue and income has developed a strong financial fundamental for Livoria to expand the business in Canada. Constraints (W-O Strategies)Ineffective and inefficient promotion strategies become constraints for Livoria to get full benefit of strong demand in cruise. Because of the lack of web-based booking system, Livoria only can rely on Sales agent for booking. This not only cause Livoria to miss the opportunity to capture Saleslers who prefer booking online, but also increases the passenger acquisition cost. Even worst, Livoria attracts younger people who less willing to spend on cruises. Vulnerability (S-T Strategies)As Livoria is known as outstanding safety among competitors, it can give confident to vacationers that the probability of on-board outbreak of disease in the cruise is minimal. Its unique services such as whale watching and ports of call can serve a niche market in cruise industry. This allows Livoria to compete with large brand operators in the market. Problem (W-T Strategies)Canadian market is relatively small for cruise industry and the industry is already dominated by large cruise ships and large brand operators. The competitive force among rivals is very intense. . The accident of Sandwich causes Livoria over 3 Millions repair cost. In the future, Sandwich will still potentially harm Livoria’s financial stability as its d amage insurance coverage is limited. Livoria’s high operation cost and ineffective marketing strategies can drive it out of the business easily.Issue Terrorist attack is a severer external threat for Livoria. Base on the effects of the past terrorist attacks, Livoria’s revenue is expected to drop around 35% in 2011. Fortunately, the effect should only last for a year. In addition, the accident of Sandwich will increase the repair cost for Livoria in 2011. Combining with the scheduled refurbishment, the repair cost can reach 6 Million. This will seriously affect Livoria’s financial health. If management does not have contingency plan, Livoria is expected to have $2.4M record losses in 2011. Current financial situationIn 2010 fiscal year, Livoria performed better than planned. Total passenger was almost 2% more than planned. Revenue was 6.6% more than budgeted, so was net income 15.7%. (Appendix 2) Given the terrorist attack incident and 6 Millions repair cost in 2011, solvency and liquidity of Livoria are being concerned. The current long term debt to equity is 1.23 which implies that Livoria has risk of overleveraging. Fortunately, Income before tax and interest is 6.43 times interest expense and current asset is 1.75 times current liability.Moreover, Livoria has over 10 Million cash and marketable securities which is enough to pay off repair cost and interest expense next year. This conclude that the solvency and liquidity of Livoria is not an issue. Comparing over the course of 4 years, Livoria recorded increase in revenue, expense and net income. However, in 2010 fiscal year, the annually growth rate of revenue is lower compare to 2009 (13% vs. 31%). This also causes the annually growth rate of net income drop from 67% in 2009 to 33% in 2010. Given both cruises, Sandwich and natural Splendour were operating at more than 90% capacity, even there was no terrorist attack incident, Livoria would not have impressive growth in number of pa ssengers in the near future.Assumptions: 1) Direct material, credit card and Sales agent commission is variable to revenue. Thus, if revenue drops 35%, so does these variable costs. 2) Dry dock revenue stays the same as maintenance works should be performed no matter good or bad season. 3) Livoria can book 2.3 M in capital gain by selling the dry dock 4) All maintenance, refurbishment and repair for Sandwich can be finished before the beginning of May next year. Thus, Sandwich can service in 2011 cruise season 5) Termination cost for all kinds of labour are also $6,000 each 6) Training cost for unskilled labours is $1,000 each.Alternative: 1) Divesting the Fraser dry dock. Pro: During the economic downturn, it is wise to spin off non-core business, so that company can focus its limited resources to improve its core business. Dry dock business is non-core business for Livoria. It only contributed 8.5% of company’s total revenue in 2010. If removing inter-division transactio n and associated direct material cost, dry dock actually reported 667 thousands loss. Con: Selling price for dry dock is only 4.3 Million which is not enough to cover the estimated repair cost for Sandwich in 2011. Later on, Livoria has to spend two Million on refurbishment every year. More importantly, reputation for safety is core competency of Livoria.Livoria is relying this to stay competitive in the market. Livoria can no longer ensure maintenance works are well performed and exceed regulation standards if it contracts the maintenance work out. The effects on project 2011 net income for divesting dry dock; Divesting dry dock will worse off than status quo.2) Target more profitable market segment Base on customer survey conducted in 2010, Annual family income of our customers is $72 thousand vs. $78 thousand in the industry. It is mainly because we have more customers who under 40 years old than the industry (40% vs. 29%). The revenue per passengers per day for this group is onl y $209 vs. $334 for 40 to 60 years old group. In addition, we had difficult to attract repeat customers. There was only 20% of customers were repeated vs. 40% in the industry. Each repeat customer can generate $2000 vs. $1800 from first timer. The effects on project 2011 net income for aligning customer mix to industry average: Net Income before tax $ (691.15)3) Hire unskilled crew and hospitality from underdeveloped countries. Pro: It is a W-T strategy that prevents firm’s weakness from intense competition in the industry. Because of registering in Canada, Livoria has higher operating costs than competitors. By hiring employees in underdeveloped which commonly practice in all kinds of businesses, Livoria can lower its labour cost by 30%. It is critical for Livoria to stay competitive in the industry. Con: Experienced crew is rare and invaluable. By swapping all experienced crew by unskilled labour, Livoria may risk losing its core competency – reputation of safety. Moreover, this may also affect our quality of service. Superior service is also critical to survive in the industry as well. Furthermore, termination and training costs can offset the benefits of labour cost saving.The effects on project 2011 net income for hiring unskilled labour Net Income before tax $ (3,550.04)
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Legal Environment of Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Legal Environment of Business - Essay Example First, the US Federal system of government grants component states a certain degree of autonomy, sovereignty, and self-government. Furthermore, each state has its own laws and each State Supreme Court has the power to create the judicial determination of issues of law on their own, subject only to the limitations imposed by the Constitution and the US Supreme Court. Thus, there exist differences in state laws that hinder and impair business transactions when dealing with out-of-state entities or persons. There was a need to standardize the laws that acted as the legal foundation in interstate commercial transactions and would clear up conflicting views on contract law. Second, the burdensome legal requirements in business engagements also had a tendency to hamper efficient commercial activities, and arguments were raised as to how laws on contracts in some jurisdictions conflicted with another's. The UCC was introduced in this manner also to design a consistent basis for contract law. Also, each state continued its autonomy and had the option on whether or not to adopt the UCC in whole or in part and this also served as sufficient warning to businessmen of the legal ramifications of any business transactions in a state that may or may not have the UCC in place. Trade between countries is an integral element of the international economy. However, if trade were to go on completely unrestricted and without control of any kind, then a myriad of problems would arise. Although the trend is free trade, there must still be some level of control in order to protect the domestic citizenry and business. Too many industries in other countries have gone belly up due to unrestricted imports of competitors who end up practicing dumping. Â
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Indecent Behavior in Social Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Indecent Behavior in Social Media - Essay Example Overt sexuality and vulgar language are the most common areas of indecency identified in the media. However, even with the predominant religion is Christianity, the American culture is growing more and more tolerant and secular, which is impacting the media’s ability to push the envelope. This pushing of the envelope is visible in many of the popular television programs today. For example, with the television program called The Vampire Diaries, the network presented advertisements for the show which stated: â€Å"Catch VD†and â€Å"Mind-Blowingly Inappropriate†which were accompanied by sexualized pictures of the show’s cast(Weiss, 2011). The age group for this show is largely young teenagers, so by advertising in this manner, it illustrates that this sexualized â€Å"indecent†behaviour is becoming more and more accepted by younger and younger audiences. The Parent’s Television Council keeps an eye on the media for things such as this and makes sure to discourage people from watching it and keeps itself a visible force in the media as a group which displays public disagreement with the indecent behaviour portrayed on television. An additional example is the popular reality show known as Jersey Shore. According to the article entitled â€Å"MTV’s Jersey Shore Rides Bad Waves After Viewers Respond,†this reality show promotes a variety of indecent behaviours such as sexual promiscuity, drinking, smoking, and vulgar language(Griffin, 2009). The show pulls in millions of viewers every week and has become one of MTV’s most watched television programs with its stars becoming wealthy and famous. The popularity of this program indicates that people have become more accepting of bad behaviour and are coming to see it as interesting rather than indecent. Ultimately, it is this distinction which has led to the overall change in what our media and society allows: the interesting factor. Â
Monday, October 7, 2019
Term paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5
Term paper - Essay Example describes the desired method of handling patient care and the type of interpersonal skills development necessary to achieve patient satisfaction and personal satisfaction in this career. This paper describes the important components of a philosophy and applies them to the field of nursing. â€Å"Nurses who are self-motivated, continue their education, and are active in professional organizations enjoy career satisfaction and provide better healthcare†(Smalley, 2005, p.59). In the nursing environment, being self-motivated is part of an internal desire to be responsive and dynamic when delivering patient care. Less-motivated nurses rely on policy and procedure to drive their decision-making, moving around the patient environment waiting for their next round of administrative instructions. Self-motivation is a very important component of having a philosophy, as the desire to provide patient care must include the ability to regulate one’s own actions. For example, a nurse is going to be exposed to different patients with different emotional needs, therefore a successful nurse must be able to respond to these needs in ways which are meaningful to the patient, culturally. It should be part of the nurse’s internal beliefs where the patient’s need s are put first and should be a paramount objective. However, a nurse with a total self-motivated philosophy might conduct additional, self-motivated research on cultural or sociological patterns of patients so that they can relate to them better at the emotional or cultural level. The self-motivated aspect of nursing philosophy can also be a career goal philosophy, where superior performance without the need for administrative intervention can lead to a better nursing reputation or better, measurable patient care. Another component which is important for a philosophy is to realize that â€Å"health is the expression of physical, psychological, spiritual, and social well-being†(, 2009, p.1). A caregiver who only
Sunday, October 6, 2019
The problems of advertising unhealthful products to children and Essay
The problems of advertising unhealthful products to children and teens, and propose a solution - Essay Example This paper analyses the problems associated with unhealthy advertising to children and teens and proposes certain solutions to avoid it. Tobacco companies exploit the hero worshipping attitudes of younger generation cleverly with the help of beautiful ads and children and teens become the victims of such misleading ads. Lung cancer, heart diseases, asthma, cough etc are often caused by smoking. Instead of revealing these health problems of smoking, tobacco companies in their advertisements describe smoking as a pleasant act which gives immense satisfaction and pleasure to the smoker. Majority of the tobacco companies have celebrities as their brand ambassador. For example, film stars are often utilized by tobacco companies for advertising their cigarettes. The mannerisms and the body languages of the film stars in the tobacco advertisements will encourage the hero worshipping teen generation to imitate their heartthrobs blindly. Children and teens have the inherited trait to imitate others. They learn life lessons from parents, teachers and celebrities. They are not much aware of the consequences of smoking. Only thi ng they know is that their hero is smoking and therefore they can also smoke. Alcoholism is another problem associated with unhealthy advertisements. As in the case of smoking, liquor manufacturers also advertise their products as safe to use. It should be noted that alcoholism can create more problems to the teenage community than adult people. Children during their physical and mental developmental stages need nutritious food and a healthy lifestyle. However, liquor manufacturers encourage younger generation to start drinking habits as early as possible with the help of misleading advertisements. â€Å"Alcohol advertisements often portray alcohol as enhancing economic success, fun, attractiveness to the opposite sex, athletic skill, and social popularity†(Alcohol Advertising
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Benefits of Plea Bargaining Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Benefits of Plea Bargaining - Essay Example Plea bargaining is the procedure through which a person accused for an offense concurs to appeal for being culpable to a slighter crime in switch over for a gentle punishment, a lessening of accuses, or further advantages. For years judges, prosecutors, and lawyers have acknowledged plea bargaining for speediness of the execution of the packed courts. Plea bargaining is being gradually more disparaged, though, it does not press the trial to confirm the defendant's fault further than a logical uncertainty, refutes the charged one a adjudicators tribunal, and permits various defendants to descend very imperceptibly. (Fisher, 2004) The plea bargaining practice is quite well institutionalized in the judicial system of USA. It seems to function proficiently and speedily. However, there is always a question whether this current day practice is capable of defending the legitimate civil liberties and to attain ultimate fairness and impartiality consistent with the USA perception correct procedure expressed by criminal justice judicial system or whether it has simply turned into a superficial and ineffective process a self governing status. (Fisher, 2007) 1. Benefits of Plea Bargaining 1. As stated by Jones (1978) flexibility is being provided through plea bargaining which is necessary for changing for turning out substantive fairness. However, in spite of or because of its predominance, plea bargaining still stay a notorious exercise in the world of crime and punishment. The concern that blameless defendant may appeal accountable stimulates frequently impassioned argument about the topic. 2. An agreement made between the charged individual and the prosecutor whereby the defendant may appeal guilty to switch over to either a slighter punishment or an abridged accuse, is usually referred as Plea Bargaining. (Alschuler, 1979) He further states that the agreement of plea bargaining takes place between the offender and the prosecutor to enable the defendant to avail reduced sentence and presently in US criminal act convictions almost 95% are resolved through such plea bargaining. Characteristically, such agreements can be divided into three types: Verdict bargaining Count bargaining Charge bargaining. 3. When there is no certainty of the ultimate judgment of a hearing, the defendant may take a benefit of plea of guilty by copping a plea, as an alternative of attending the trial. This will lessen the ambiguity of the hearing. Thus, in this case the plea bargain seems to provide a liberty of selection to the charged individual. 4. As viewed from the perception of the state, plea bargaining is beneficial in terms of economizing both time and resources while obtaining a guilty conviction. The fact is recognized by all legal experts that each and every filed case is not meant for a trial otherwise the entire judicial system may disintegrate if so many trials are executed. (Amoury, 2002) 5. The plea bargaining seems to be more impartial for both the witnesses and potential judges. It is imaginable that
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